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« Roger Brereley (1586-1637)
Gerardus van Aalst (1752-1816) »
Edward Brerewood (c.1565-1613)
TraditionAnglicanReferenceen Academic TitleProf. of Astronomy, Gresham (1597-1613)
Primary Sources (26 titles, 32 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Theology (3) | Philosophy (29)
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Certain briefe treatises, written by diverse learned men, concerning the ancient and moderne government of the Church : wherein both the primitive institution of episcopacie is maintained, and the lawfulnesse of the ordination of the Protestant ministers beyond the seas likewise defended : the particulars whereof are set downe in the leafe following. (Oxford : Leonard Lichfield, 1641) / added author(s): Martin Bucer, John Rainolds, James Ussher
A learned treatise of the Sabaoth, written by Mr Edward Brerewood, professor in Gresham Colledge, London. To Mr Nicolas Byfield, preacher in Chester. With Mr Byfields answere and Mr Brerewoods reply. (At Oxford : Iohn Lichfield printer to the famous Vniversity, for Thomas Huggins, 1630)
A second treatise of the Sabbath, or an explication of the Fourth Commandement. Written, by Mr Edward Brerewood professor in Gresham Colledge in London. (At Oxford : Iohn Lichfield, and are to be sold by Thomas Huggins, 1632)

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