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Primary Sources (2 titles, 2 vols.) | Suggest a New Source | Share:  | | The humble petition of the worshipful Thomas Adams, John Langham, and James Bunce, aldermen of London, presented to the Lords at their bar on Tuesday April 25. 1648. Wherein is declared their firm resolution to stand for the defence of the established laws of the land. Also their protestation against the lords jurisdiction over them or any other commoners in criminal cases. With their appeal from the Lords to their proper and competent judges (a jury of their equals) and judges sworn to proceed according to the known law of England. Together with a salva libertate by them sent to the lieutenant of the Tower, April 23. 1648. ( London : J. Norris, 1648) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
Plain dealing or a fair vvarning to the gentlemen of the Committee for Union : in a letter intended to Alderman Foulks, to be communicated unto them accordingly at Gurney House, or elsewhere. ( London : [s.n.], in the first year of the Agitators raign, 1647) | EEBO-TCP | |   |