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« John Hill (fl.1614-)
Gerardus van Aalst (1752-1816) »
John Hill (1711-1746)
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Notes"Minister of the gospel in London"
Primary Sources (8 titles, 11 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Other (11)
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The Sleep of Plants and Cause of Motion in the Sensitive Plant Explain'd: In a Letter to C. Linnaeus, Professor of Botany at Upsal (R. Baldwin, 1757)
The Sleep of Plants, and Cause of Motion in the Sensitive Plant, Explain'd. In a Letter to C. Linnæus, Etc (1762)
Urania: or, a compleat view of the Heavens; containing the Ancient and modern Astronomy in form of a Dictionary, etc (1754)
Urania: Or, a Compleat View of the Heavens; Containing the Antient and Modern Astronomy, in Form of a Dictionary: Illustrated with a Great Number of Figures ... A Work Intended for General Use, Intelligible to All Capacities, and Calculated for Entertainment as Well as Instruction (T. Gardner, 1754)
The Vegetable System: Or, a Series of Experiments, and Observations Tending to Explain the Internal Structure, and the Life of Plants; Their Growth, and Propagation; the Number, Proportion, and Desposition of Their Constituent Parts; with the True Course of Their Juices; the ..., vol. 2 (expence of the author, and sold by R. Baldwin, 1761)
The vegetable system: or, a series of experiments, and observations tending to explain the internal structure, and the life of plants; their growth, and propagation; the number, proportion, and desposition of their constituent parts; with the true course of their juices; the ..., vol. 2 (expence of the author, and sold by R. Baldwin, 1761)
The vegetable system: or, a series of experiments, and observations tending to explain the internal structure, and the life of plants; their growth, and propagation; the number, proportion, and desposition of their constituent parts; with the true course of their juices; the formation ..., vol. 1 (expence of the author, and sold by R. Baldwin, 1759)
The Vegetable System: Or, a Series of Experiments, and Observations Tending to Explain the Internal Structure, and the Life of Plants; Their Growth, and Propagation; the Number, Proportion, and Desposition of Their Constituent Parts; with the True Course of Their Juices; the Formation ..., vol. 3 (expence of the author, and sold by R. Baldwin, 1761)
The vegetable system: or, a series of experiments, and observations tending to explain the internal structure, and the life of plants; their growth, and propagation; the number, proportion, and desposition of their constituent parts; with the true course of their juices; the formation ..., vol. 6 (expence of the author, and sold by R. Baldwin, 1764)
Virtues of British Herbs ... (1772)
Virtues of British Herbs: With the History, Description, and Figures, of the Several Kinds; an Account of the Diseases They Will Cure; the Family Methods of Giving Them; and the Management of the Patients in Each Disease, 4th ed. (1771)

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