Please help edit and categorize these titles with the edit icon on the right. Thank you! | Share:  | | The Abuse of Mercy Stated and Reproved: In a Sermon Preach'd on the 5th of March, 1741. at a Monthly Exercise, at the Revd. Mr. Goodwin's Meeting-place, in Little More-Fields. By Samuel Wilson, vol. 11 (John Wilson, and sold by Aaron Ward; and James Brackstone, 1741) | GB |  |   |
The Blessing of a Gospel Ministry: Consider'd in a Sermon Preach'd at the Late Reverend Mr. Daniel Wilcox's Meeting Place, in Monkwell-Street, May 20, 1733. By Samuel Wilson. ... (Aaron Ward; and H. Whitridge, 1733) | GB |  |   |
Christ the Great Propitiation: A Sermon Preached at the Evening Lecture in Silver-Street, September 14, 1746. ... To which are Added, Some Remarks on a Pamphlet, Entitled, A Vindication of the Rev. Mr. Foster's Account of the Late Earl of Kilmarnock. By Samuel Wilson (Aaron Ward; John Oswald; James Buckland; and H. Whitridge) | | | GB |  |   |
A Defence of Some Important Doctrines of the Gospel in Twenty-six Sermons: Most of which Were Preached at Lime-Street Lecture (W. Thomson, 1826) / added author(s): Thomas Hall, Peter Goodwin, Abraham Taylor [A collection of sermons preached at Limehouse by Thomas Bradbury, Robert Bragge, John Gill, Peter Goodwin, John Hurrion, Thomas Hall, Abraham Taylor, John Sladen, and Samuel Wilson, sometimes called “The Lime-Street Sermons.”] | GB |  |   |
A Scripture-manual: Or, a Plain Representation of the Ordinance of Baptism. ... By Samuel Wilson. A New Edition, Revised by Abraham Booth. To which are Subjoined, Various Extracts from Learned Pædobaptist Authors (W. Button) | | | GB |  |   |
Vol. 5 (1797) | GB |  |   |
A sermon [on Luke vii. 47] occasioned by the death of ... William Arnold, vol. 13 ( 1734) | GB |  |   |