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« Joseph Hallet (c.1628-1689)
Gerardus van Aalst (1752-1816) »
Joseph Hallet (c.1692-1744)
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Primary Sources (13 titles, 15 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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The Belief of the Subordination of the Son of God to His Father No Characterstick of an Arian, vol. 9 (Andrew Brice, 1719)
Fate and Force: Or, Mr. Mudge's Liberty Set in a True Light: in Answer to His Sermon Intitled, Liberty, vol. 4 (John Noon, 1732)
The Immorality of the Moral Philosopher: Being an Answer to a Book Lately Published, Intitled The Moral Philosopher (J. Noon, 1737)
The Immorality of the Moral Philosopher:: Being an Answer to a Book Lately Published, Intitled The Moral Philosopher..
John Noon, at the White-Hart, near Mercers-Chapel, in Cheapside., 1737GB 
Index librorum MSS. Graecorum, et versionum antiquarum novi foederis, quos viri eruditissimi J. Millius & L. Kusterus cum tertia editione Stephanica contulerunt. Studio & opera Josephi Hallet, J. Fil (typis J. Darby & T. Browne; & impensis Joannis Noon, 1728)
A Letter to the Authors of a Pamphlet: Civilly Intitled, A Caution Against Deceivers. By Joseph Hallet, vol. 11 (Andrew Brice, 1719)
A Letter to the Moral Philosopher:: Being a Vindication of a Pamphlet, Entitled, The Immorality of The Moral Philosopher.. (John Noon, at the White-Hart in Cheapside, near Mercers-Chapel., 1737)
Reflections on the Defence of the Account of the Reasons, why Many Citizens of Exon Have Withdrawn from the Ministry of Mr. Joseph Hallet, and Mr. James Peirce (Eman. Matthews, at the Bible in Pater-Noster-Row., 1720)
Reflections on the Defence of the Account of the reasons, why many citizens of Exon have withdrawn from the ministry of Mr. Joseph Hallet, and Mr. James Peirce. [By J. Eveleigh, published in answer to the “Defence of the Case,” etc., by J. Peirce.] (Eman. Matthews, 1720)
A Reply to Dr. Waterland's Remarks on a Pamphlet Entitled, The Unity of God Not Inconsistent with the Divinity of Christ. By the Author of The Unity, &c, vol. 4 (John Clark, 1720)
A Second Volume of Notes and Discourses ... (J. Noon, 1732)
The Unity of God Not Inconsistent with the Divinity of Christ: Being Remarks on the Passages in Dr. Waterland's Vindication, &c. Relating to the Unity of God and to the Object of Worship.. (John Clark at the Bible and Crown in the Poultry., 1720)
Whereas it Hath Been Industriously Reported, that Some Protestant Dissenting Ministers are Arians: Denying the Divinity of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and Holding Him to be a Mere Creature; and that They Baptize Only in the Name of the Father: ... (1719)

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