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« Sebastiaan Damman (1578-1640)
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James Dana (1735-1812)
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The "Examination of the late Rev'd President Edwards's Enquiry on freedom of will," continued. Sec. I. On self-determination. II. On the influence of motives in moral volitions. III. On necessity. IV. On the origin of evil. V. On the connection between the nature and cause of volition. Sec. VI. Moral evil not best for the world. VII. On fore-knowledge. VIII. On texts of scripture misconstrued. IX. Objections considered. X. On metaphysical reasoning. XI. Recapitulation. To which are subjoined, strictures on the Rev'd Mr. West's "Essay on moral agency," &c. By James Dana, D.D. Pastor of the First Church in Wallingford. (1773)
The African slave trade : a discourse delivered in the city of New-Haven, September 9, 1790, before the Connecticut' Society for the Promotion of Freedom. (1791)
An examination of the late Reverend President Edwards's enquiry on freedom of will : more especially the foundation principle of his book, with the tendency and consequences of the reasoning therein contained .. (1770)
Sermons to young people : preached A.D. 1803, 1804. On the following subjects ... to which are added, prayers for young families also Sermons ... (1806)
Sermons to young people : preached A.D. 1803,1804 ... to which are added Prayers for young families (1806)
Two discourses, I. On the commencement of a New Year: II. On the completion of the eighteenth century; delivered.. (1801)

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