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John Colet (1467-1519)
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Primary Sources (15 titles, 17 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Dean Colet's letters on the Mosaic account of the creation, vol. 4 (George Bell and Sons, 1876)
An exposition of St. Paul's epistle to the Romans: delivered as lectures in the University of Oxford about the year 1497, ed. Joseph Hirst Lupton (Bell & Daldy, 1873)
An exposition of St. Paul's first Epistle to the Corinthians, trans. Joseph Hirst Lupton (G. Bell and sons, 1874)
Ioannis Colet opus de sacramentis ecclesiæ: a treatise on the sacraments of the church (Bell and Daldy, 1867)
Ioannis Coleti Enarratio in Primam Epistolam S. Pauli ad Corinthios: An exposition of St. Paul's first epistle to the Corinthians (George Bell, 1874)
Joannis Colet opus de sacramentis Ecclesiæ, publ. with an intr. by J.H. Lupton, ed. Joseph Hirst Lupton (1867)
Letters to Radulphus on the Mosaic account of creation [microform] : together with other treatises (London : G. Bell, 1876)
Letters to Radulphus on the Mosaic account of creation: together with other treatises
G. Bell, 1876GB 
Letters to Radulphus on the Mosaic account of the creation, together with other treatises, ed. Joseph Hirst Lupton (G. Bell and sons, 1876)
Opuscula quaedam theologica ...: pub with a tr (1876)
Preces hymni et catechismus graece et latine: in usum antiquae et celebris Scholae S. Pauli apud Londinates fundatore venerabili admodum viro Ioanne Coleto S.T.P. ecclesiae S. Pauli decano (Pardon et filii, 1896)
Super opera Dionysii: Two treaties on the Hierarchies of Dionysius... now first published, with a translation, introduction, and notes, by J. H. Lupton (Bell and Daldy, 1869)
A treatise on the sacraments of the church
Bell, 1867GB 
Bell and Daldy, 1867GB 
A treatise on the sacraments of the church [microform] (London : Bell and Daldy, 1867)
Two treatises on the hierarchies of Dionysius (Bell and Daldy, 1869)

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