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« Pilgram Marpeck (1495-1556)
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Martin Marprelate (fl.1588-1589)
TraditionPuritanReference Academic Titlen/a
NotesThe pseudonym, probably of Job Throckmorton, with the assistance of John Penry
Primary Sources (8 titles, 8 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Results 1-8
An epistle to the terrible priests of the Convocation house (1842)
An Epistle to the Terrible Priests of the Convocation House, Issue 3, 2nd ed. (J. Petheram, 1843)
An epistle to the terrible priests of the convocation house. Re-printed from the black letter ed., with an introd. and notes (1842)
The epistle, September-November 1588 (1895)
An epitome of the first book of Dr. John Bridges' Defence of the government of the Church of England in ecclesiastical matters (1843)
Hay any worke for Cooper; being a reply to the Admonition to the people of England (1845)
Hay any worke for Cooper: or a briefe pistle directed by waye of an hablication to the reverende byshopps [in reply to An admonition to the people of England]. Penned by Martin the metropolitane. With an intr. and notes [by J. Petheram]. (Puritan discipline tracts)., ed. John Petheram (1845)
A viewe of some part of such publike wants and disorders as are in the service of God : within her Majesties countrie of Wales, together with an humble petition, unto this high court of Parliament for their speedy redresse. Anno 1588 (1861)

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