Share:  | | Consolation in Life and Death. A sermon on Cant. ii. 16, on the death of Mrs. E. Asty. Edited, with a life of Mrs. E. Asty, by S. Petto, vol. 1 ( 1681) | GB |  |   |
A Rebuke to the Informers: With A Plea for the Ministers of the Gospel, Called Nonconformists, and Their Meetings ... ( 1675) | GB |  |   |
A Treatise of Family Instruction, etc. (A Scriptural Catechism, etc.). ( 1672) | GB |  |   |
A Warning to Drunkards, delivered in several sermons to a congregation in Colchester. Upon the occasion of ... a young man, dying in the act of drunkeness (J. R. for T. Parkhurst, 1682) | GB |  |   |