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« Owen Stockton (1630-1680)
Gerardus van Aalst (1752-1816) »
John Stockwood (-1610)
TraditionPuritan, ReformedReference Academic Titlen/a
Primary Sources (5 titles, 5 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Disputatiuncularum grammaticalium libellus, ad puerorum in scholis trivialibus exacuenda ingenia ... Editio quarta, tribus prioribus castigatior, multoque locupletatior (1619)
The Treatise of the Figures at the End of the Rules of Construction in the Latin Grammar [of W. Lily], Construed. With Every Example Apply'd and Fitted to His Rule for the Help of the Weaker Sort in the Grammar Schools. By John Stockwood .. (Roger Norton, 1693)
The Treatise of the Figures at the End of the Rules of Construction in the Latin Grammar [of William Lily], Construed, Etc (Roger Norton, 1719)
The Treatise of the Figures at the End of the Rules of Construction in the Latin Grammar Construed: With Every Example Apply'd and Fitted to His Rule, for the Help of the Weaker Sort in the Grammar Schools (S. Buckley and T. Longman, 1738)
The Treatise of the Figures at the end of the rules of construction in the Latin Grammar of W. Lily , construed, etc (1713)

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