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Candela Evangelica: eiusdem appendix contra abusus filiorum ecclesiae una cum homilia B. Augustini episcopi super illud evange. non potes duob. dominis servire ( 1527) | GB | | |
Carta ó coloquio interior de Cristo nuestro redentor al alma devota: en que le enseña como debe conocerse á sí misma, y como debe agradarle y servirle con perfeccion (Ignacio Valls, 1822) | GB | | |
Discours en forme de lettre de N. S. Jesus-Christ à l'âme dévote: ou entretiens sacrez, dans lesquels l'ame devote apprend à se bien connoistre & à se rendre capable d'une parfaite et solide devotion, 8th ed. (Desprez, 1674) | GB | | |
Divini amoris pharetra | |
1557 | GB | | |
1620 | GB | | |
Steelsius, 1547 | GB | | |
Enchiridion militae christianae | |
1550 | GB | | |
1576 | GB | | |
An epistle in the person of Christ to the faithfull soule, written first by that learned Lanspergius, and after translated into English by one of no small fame, whose good example of sufferance & liuing, hath and wilbe a memoriall vnto his countrie and posteritie for euer. ( Antwerpe [i.e. England] : [By the English secret press], 1595) | EEBO-TCP | | |
An epistle of Jesus Christ to the faithful soul ( New York : Catholic publication society, 1868) | IA | | |
An epistle of Jesus Christ to the faithful soul: that is devoutly affected towards him ..., trans. Saint Philip Howard Arundel (Earl of) (Philp, 1867) | GB | | |
Epistolarum ac evangeliorum domin. enarrationes: Pars hyem. et aestiv () | |
| GB | | |
Vol. 2 (1545) | GB | | |
Exercitia spiritualia (Fossanus, 1574) | GB | | |
Geistliches Sendschreiben ... unsers H. Jesu Christi an ein jede fromme Christl. Seel | |
1718 | GB | | |
Berg, 1613 | GB | | |
Geistliches Sendschreiben in der Person vnsers Herrn JESU CHRISTI an eine jede fromme Christliche Seel (Straub, 1676) | GB | | |
In omnes totius anni dominicales epistolas et evangelia paraphrases et exegeses catholicae () | |
| GB | | |
Vol. 2 (1558) | GB | | |
Vol. 4 (1558) | GB | | |