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Robert Persons, S.J. (1546-1610)
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Primary Sources (41 titles, 45 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Bericht von der grausamen tyrannischen Verfolgung der Calvinisten wider die frommen catholischen Christen in Engellandt (Ingolstadt, 1583)
Bericht von Leben und Ende des ... bekehrten ... Atheistens Grafen Johns von Rochester (Nürnberg, 1695)
A brief censure upon two bookes: written in answer to M. Edmonde Campions offer of disputation ... (John Lyon, [i.e. East Ham, 1581)
A brief censure uppon two books written in answere to M. Edmonde Campions offer of disputation / [Robert Persons] (Douai : J. Lyon, 1581)
A brief discours contaying certayne reasons why Catholiques refuse to goe to church : Written by a learned and vertuous man, to a frend of his in Englend / [Robert Persons] (Douai : J. Lyon, 1580)
A Christian directorie guiding men to their salvation. Divided into three books. ([Rouen] : [Fr. Parsons's press], 1585)
A Christian directory, guiding men to their eternal salvation : divided into three books ... (London : John Hoyles and sold by Thomas Meighan, 1739)
A conference about the next succession of the crown of Ingland ... (1594)
A conference about the next succession to crowne in Ingland... / by R. Doleman (N. with licence, 1594)
De Persecutione Anglicana Commentariolus : A Collegio Anglicano Romano ... in Vrbe editus, et iam denuo Ingolstadii excusus. Additis Literis S.D.N.D. Gregorii Papae XIII. hortatiis ad subueniendum Anglis, &c. (Ingolstadii : Eder, 1582)
A deference of the censure gyuen upon two bookes of William Charke and Meredith Hanmer...against E[dmund] Campian... / [Robert Parsons] (Rouen, 1582)
A discovery of I. Nicols, minister, misreported a iesuite latelye recanted in the tower of London (Douai, 1565)
A Discussion of the Ansvvere of M. VVilliam Barlovv, D. of Diuinity, to the Booke Intituled: the Iudgement of a Catholike Englishman Liuing in Banishment for His Religion &c. Concerning the Apology of the New Oath of Allegiance. VVritten by the R. Father, F. Robert Persons of the Society of ... (1612)
Elisabethae reginae Angliae promulgat. Londini 29. Nov. 1591 (1593)
Elisabethen Der Königin inn Engellandt, vnd Irrlandt, [e]tc. Edict, Den neun vnd zweyntzigisten Nouembris deß fünfftzehenhundert ein vnd neuntzigsten Jars zu Londra öffentlich publiciert (Ingolstatt, 1593)
Elizabethae Angliae Reginae Haeresin Caluinianam propugnantis saeuissimum in Catholicos sui regni Edictum quod in alios quoque Reipublicae Christianae principes contumelias continent indignissimas promulgatum Londini 29 Nouembris 1591, cum responsione ad singula capita ... deteguntur & confutantur
apud Ioannem Didier, 1592GB 
apud Ioannem Didier, 1593GB 
Elizabethae reg. Angliae edictum. Ad idem edictum responsio (1593)
Elizabethae reginae Angliae edictum promulgatum Londini 29. Nouemb. Anni M. D. XCI. Andreae Philopatri ad idem edictum responsio (1593)
Elizabethae Reginae Angliae Edictum Promulgatum Londini 29. Nouemb. Anni M.D.XCI. Andreae Philopatri Ad Idem Edictum Responsio (1593)
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