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Gerardus van Aalst (1752-1816) »
Joseph Priestley (1733-1804)
TraditionSocinian-UnitarianReferenceen Academic Titlen/a
Primary Sources (118 titles, 205 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Theology (141) | Philosophy (44) | Other (20) | Edited (1) | Related (2)
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Additions to the address to Protestant dissenters, on the subject of the Lord's supper, with some corrections of it: and a letter to the author of the Protestant dissenter's answer to it (Joseph Johnson, 1770)
An answer to Mr. Paine's Age of reason, being a continuation of Letters to the philosophers and politicians of France, on the subject of religion (Northumberland : ReJ. Johnson, 1794)
An appeal to the public, on the subject of the riots in Birmingham (Northumberland [Pa.]: : A. Kennedy., 1791)
An appeal to the serious and candid professors of Christianity ... (Pearson and Rollason, 1784)
Arguments against and for the sabbatical observance of Sunday, by a cessation from all labour : contained in the letters of sundry writers in the theological repository : with an additional letter to the Reverend Dr. Priestly, in continuation of the same subject (Philadelphia : John Thompson, 1792)
A catechism for children and young persons (London : J. Johnson, 1779)
A Comparison of the institutions of Moses with those of the Hindoos and other ancient nations : with Remarks on Mr. Dupuis's Origin of all religions, the Laws and institutions of Moses methodized, and an Address to the Jews on the present state of the world and the prophecies relating to it (Northumberland : A. Kennedy, 1799)
Considerations on differences of opinion among Christians; with a letter to mr. Venn, in answer to his Free and full examination of the address to Protestant dissenters, on the subject of the Lord's supper (J. Johnson and J. Payne, 1769)
A continuation of the Letters to the philosophers and politicians of France: on the subject of religion: and of the Letters to a philosophical unbeliever; in answer to Mr. Paine's Age of reason (Thomas C. Cushing; and sold Cushing and Carlton, at the Bible, Essex-street., 1795)
Defences of Unitarianism for the year 1786-1789 (Pearson and Rollason, and sold by J. Johnson, London, 1788)
A description of a new chart ... containing a view of the principal revolutions of empire ..., 4th ed. (J. Johnson, 1777)
Discourses on the evidence of revealed religion, vol. 1 (J. Johnson, 1794)
Discourses relating to the evidence of revealed religion, vol. 3 (J. Johnson, 1799)
Discourses relating to the evidences of revealed religion : delivered in the church of the Universalists at Philadelphia, 1796, and published at the request of many of the hearers
Birmingham [Eng.] : Pearson and Rollason, 1796IA 
Philadelphia : John Thompson, 1796IA 
Discourses relating to the evidences of revealed religion : delivered in the Church of the Universalists, at Philadelphia, 1796 ... (Philadelphia : T. Dobson by John Thompson)
Vol. 1 (1796)
Vol. 2 (1796) IA 
Discourses relating to the evidences of revealed religion : delivered in the Church of the Universalists, at Philadelphia, 1796, and published at the request of many of the hearers (Philadelphia : T. Dobson, by John Thompson)
Vol. 1 (1796)
Vol. 2 (1796) IA 
Discourses relating to the evidences of revealed religion, delivered in the church of the Universalists, at Philadelphia, 1796, and published at the request of many of the hearers (Philadelphia : John Thompson, 1796)
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