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Matthew Henry (1662-1714)
TraditionPuritan, ReformedReferenceen Academic Titlen/a
Primary Sources (75 titles, 105 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Scripture catechism: the catechism of the Westminster Assembly of Divines ; with scriptural questions and answers / by the Rev. Matthew Henry ; also, a familiar exposition of the Lord's prayer, in the form of question and answer, by the Rev. Wm. Patton (H. Griffin & Co., 1835)
A sermon on Acts xxviii, 22 shewing, that the Christian religion is not a sect, and yet that it is every where spoken against (London : Thomas Parkhurst ..., 1699)
A sermon preach'd to the Societies for Reformation of Manners: at Salters-Hall. On Monday, June 30. 1712. By Matthew Henry, ... (John Lawrence; R. Robinson; and N. Cliff and D. Jackson, 1712)
The Westminster Assembly's Shorter catechism : with which is incorporated a Scripture catechism in the method of the Assembly's, by the Rev. Matthew Henry (Princeton, N.J. : F. Merrill, 1846)
The Westminster assembly's shorter catechism, with which is incorporated a Scripture catechism in the method of the Assembly's, ed. Colin McIver (F. Merrill, 1846)
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