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Blaise Pascal (1623-1662)
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Primary Sources (144 titles, 196 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Results 121-132
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Thoughts (New York : P.F. Collier, 1910)
Thoughts of Pascal (London, [n.d.])
Thoughts on religion : and other subjects. (London : W. B. for A. and J. Churchil [etc.], 1704)
Thoughts on religion and other important subjects : recently translated from the French of Blaise Pascal, with memoirs of his life and writings by the translator [Thomas Chevalier] (London : Samuel Bagster, 1806)
Thoughts on religion and other subjects (London : G. Routledge, 1893)
Thoughts on religion and philosophy by Blaise Pascal, trans. Isaac Taylor (London : Edinburgh O. Schulze, [n.d.])
Thoughts on religion, and other curious subjects: Written originally in French, 3rd ed., trans. Basil Kennett (J. Pemberton, 1731)
The thoughts, letters, and opuscules of Blaise Pascal (Boston : Houghton, Mifflin, 1890)
The thoughts, letters, and opuscules of Blaise Pascal;
Boston : Houghton, Mifflin and company, 1887IA 
Boston, Houghton : Mifflin and company, 1887IA 
Thoughts, tr. by W.F. Trotter: letters, tr. by M.L. Booth, minor works, tr. by O.W. Wight: with introds. notes and illus (New York : P.F. Collier, 1910)
Trezième ["sic"] lettre escrite par l'autheur des "Lettres au provincial", aux Révérends Pères jésuites (Paris : G. Desprez, [n.d.])
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