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« Claude Groteste (1647-1713)
Gerardus van Aalst (1752-1816) »
Hugo Grotius (1583-1645)
TraditionArminian-RemonstrantReferenceen nl | STCN | VD 17 | ScholasticonAcademic Titlen/a
Primary Sources (393 titles, 593 vols.) | Secondary Sources (2) | Websites (1)Suggest a New Source
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Opera (21) | Theology (334) | Philosophy (7) | Law (187) | Arts (18) | Other (26) | Related (23)
Results 161-180
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Epistolae ad Gallos
ed. Joachim Gesenius (Jo.Fuhrmanni et Jo.Breneri impendiis, literis Wittigavianis, 1674)GB 
Lipsia, 1674BSB 
Lipsiae : Wittigau Fuhrmann & Breuer, 1674BSB 
Epistolae Ad Gallos (Lipsiae ; Francofurti : Weidmannus, 1684)
Epistolae ad Gallos (Lipsiae [u.a.] : Fuhrmann & Breuer, 1674)
Epistolae Ad Gallos (Lipsiae [u.a.] : Weidmann, 1684)
Epistolae ad Gallos, nunc primum editae (1648)
Epistolae ad Israelem Jaski (Rhetius, 1670)
Epistolae Quotquot reperiri potuerunt : In quibus praeter hactenus Editas, plurimae Theologici, Iuridici, Philologici, Historici, & Politici argumenti occurrunt (Amstelodami : Blaeu Waasberge [u.a.], 1687)
Explicatio Decalogi, ut graece exstat (etc.) (Johannes et Cornelius Blaeu, 1640)
Explicatio trium ... locorum novi testamenti ... in quibus agitur de fide et operibus. -Amsterdami, Johannes et Cornelius Blaeu 1640 (Johannes et Cornelius Blaeu, 1640)
Goede trouvve Sibrandi Lvbberti, aenghewesen uyt t'boeck by hem ghenoemt Antvvoort op de godsdiensticheyt Hvgonis Grotii (Ian Paets Iacobsz)
Vol. 1 (1614)
Grollae obsidio cum annexis anni 1627. - Amstelredami, Guilielmus Blaeuw 1629 (Guilielmus Blaeuw, 1629)
Grollae obsidio cum annexis anni 1627. - Amstelredami. Guilielmus Blaeuw 1629 (Guilielmus Blaeuw, 1629)
Grollae obsidio cvm annexis anni MDCXXVII. (apud G. Blaevw, 1629)
Grotius his arguments for the truth of Christian religion, rendred into Engl. verse [by W. Atwood.]., trans. William Atwood (London, 1686)
Grotius testament of hooftpunten getrocken wt sijn jongste antwoort aen D. Rivet. Pag. 28. Godt liet wel toe, dat te Rome en elders de zeden bedorven wierden : maer door Godts bestieringhe werdt daer noyt de leere bedorven, die tegen dese quade zeden selfs strijdigh is. Pag. 255. De Protestanten ... (Gerusthart de Wit, 1645)
Grotius, his arguments for the truth of Christian religion rendred into plain English verse. (London : Jonathan Robinson ..., 1686)
H. Grotii De imperio summarum potestatum circa sacra commentarius postumus (1648)
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