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Epistolae ad Gallos | |
ed. Joachim Gesenius (Jo.Fuhrmanni et Jo.Breneri impendiis, literis Wittigavianis, 1674) | GB |  |   |
Lipsia, 1674 | BSB |  |   |
Lipsiae : Wittigau Fuhrmann & Breuer, 1674 | BSB |  |   |
| BSB |  |   |
| BSB |  |   |
| BSB |  |   |
Epistolae ad Gallos, nunc primum editae ( 1648) | GB |  |   |
Epistolae ad Israelem Jaski (Rhetius, 1670) | GB |  |   |
Epistolae Quotquot reperiri potuerunt : In quibus praeter hactenus Editas, plurimae Theologici, Iuridici, Philologici, Historici, & Politici argumenti occurrunt ( Amstelodami : Blaeu Waasberge [u.a.], 1687) | BSB |  |   |
Explicatio Decalogi, ut graece exstat (etc.) (Johannes et Cornelius Blaeu, 1640) | GB |  |   |
Explicatio trium ... locorum novi testamenti ... in quibus agitur de fide et operibus. -Amsterdami, Johannes et Cornelius Blaeu 1640 (Johannes et Cornelius Blaeu, 1640) | GB |  |   |
Goede trouvve Sibrandi Lvbberti, aenghewesen uyt t'boeck by hem ghenoemt Antvvoort op de godsdiensticheyt Hvgonis Grotii (Ian Paets Iacobsz) | |
| GB |  |   |
Grollae obsidio cum annexis anni 1627. - Amstelredami, Guilielmus Blaeuw 1629 (Guilielmus Blaeuw, 1629) | GB |  |   |
Grollae obsidio cum annexis anni 1627. - Amstelredami. Guilielmus Blaeuw 1629 (Guilielmus Blaeuw, 1629) | GB |  |   |
Grollae obsidio cvm annexis anni MDCXXVII. (apud G. Blaevw, 1629) | GB |  |   |
Grotius his arguments for the truth of Christian religion, rendred into Engl. verse [by W. Atwood.]., trans. William Atwood ( London, 1686) | GB |  |   |
Grotius testament of hooftpunten getrocken wt sijn jongste antwoort aen D. Rivet. Pag. 28. Godt liet wel toe, dat te Rome en elders de zeden bedorven wierden : maer door Godts bestieringhe werdt daer noyt de leere bedorven, die tegen dese quade zeden selfs strijdigh is. Pag. 255. De Protestanten ... (Gerusthart de Wit, 1645) | GB |  |   |
Grotius, his arguments for the truth of Christian religion rendred into plain English verse. ( London : Jonathan Robinson ..., 1686) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
H. Grotii De imperio summarum potestatum circa sacra commentarius postumus ( 1648) | IA |  |   |