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Thomas Shepard (1605-1649)
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Sampwutteahae quinnuppekompauaenin. : Wahuwômook oggussemesuog sampwutteabáe wunnamptamwaenuog, (Cambridge [Mass.] : Samuel Green, 1689)
The sincere convert discovering the paucity of true beleevers and the great difficulty of saving conversion by Tho. Shepheard .... (London : T.P. and M.S. for Humphrey Blunden ..., 1641)
The sincere convert, discovering the paucity of true believers (London : T.P. and M.S., 1643)
The sincere convert; and the sound believer; to which are added, The Saints jewel; and The soul's invitation unto Jesus Christ (Paisley : Stephen and Andrew Young, 1812)
The Sincere Convert; Discovering the Paucity of True Believers, and the Great Difficulty of Saving Conversion (T. P. and M. S., 1641)
The sound beleever, or, A treatise of evangelicall conversion discovering the work of Christs spirit in reconciling of a sinner to God (London : R. Dawlman, 1645)
The sound believer : a treatise of evangelical conversion ;Discovering the work of Christ's Spirit, in reconciling of a sinner to God (London : Ja. Cotterel, for Andrew Crooke, 1670)
The sound believer, or, A treatise of evangelicall conversion
London : Andrew Crooke, 1653GB 
London : R. Dawlman, 1645GB 
Subjection to Christ in all his ordinances and appointments the best means to preserve our liberty : together with a treatise of ineffectual hearing the word ... : with some remarkable passages of His life (London : S.G. for John Rothwell ..., 1657)
Theses sabbaticae, or, The doctrine of the Sabbath : wherein the Sabbaths I. Morality, II. Change, III. Begining, IV. Sanctification, are clearly discussed : which were first handled more largely in sundry sermons in Cambridge in New-England ... (London : T.R. and E.M., 1649)
Theses Sabbaticæ, or, The doctrine of the Sabbath wherein the Sabbaths I. Morality, II. Change, III. Beginning. IV. Sanctification, are clearly discussed, which were first handled more largely in sundry sermons in Cambridge in New-England in opening of the Fourth Commandment : in unfolding whereof many scriptures are cleared, divers cases of conscience resolved, and the morall law as a rule of life to a believer, occasionally and distinctly handled (London : T.R. and E.M. for John Rothwell ..., 1650)
Thomas Scheppardts, englischen Theologi und Predigers Drey ausserlesene Tractätlein, : das erste: Die enge Himmels-Pforte, das ander: Der Heiligen Kleynod, das dritte: Der Seelen Vermählung mit Christo. (Hamburg, : in Verlegung Christian Guthens, Buchhändlers. ; Jena, : druckts Johann Nisius., 1675)
A treatise of liturgies, power of the keyes, and of matter of the visible church.:In answer to the reverend servant of Christ, Mr. John Ball. By Thomas Shephard, sometimes fellow of Emanuel-Colledge in Cambridge, and late pastour of Cambridge in New-England. (London : E. Cotes for Andrew Crooke, and are to be sold at the Green Dragon in Pauls Church-yard, 1652)
De waare bekeeringe, ontdekkende het kleyn getal der waare geloovigen (Dordrecht : de wed. Johannes 't Hooft, 1741)
De waare bekeeringe, ontdekkende het kleyn getal der waare geloovigen, en de groote moeijelykheid der zaligmakende bekeeringe; (Johan Georg Wittich, 1750)
Wine for Gospel wantons, or, Cautions against spirituall drunkenness being the brief notes of a sermon preached at Cambridge in New-England, upon a day of publick fasting and prayer throughout the colony (Cambridge [Mass.] printed, 1668)
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