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Hugh Latimer (c.1485-1555)
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The Sermons of the Right Reverend Father in God, and Constant Martyr of Jesus Christ, Hugh Latimer ... To which is Prefixed a Memoir of the Bishop (J. Duncan)
Vol. 1 (1824)
Vol. 2 (1824) GB 
The sermons of the Right Reverend Father in God, and Constant Martyr of Jesus Christ, Hugh Latimer, sometime Bishop of Worcester: Now first arranged according to the order of time in which they were preached, collated by the early impressions, and occasionally illustrated with notes ... (James Duncan)
Vol. 1 (1824)
Vol. 2 (1824) GB 
The Sermons of the Right Reverend Father in God, Master Hugh Latimer, Bishop of Worcester : many of which were preached before King Edward VI ... to which is prefixed, Bishop Latimer's life (London : J. Scott)
Vol. 1 (1758)
Vol. 2 (1758) IA 
Sermons on the Card and other discourses
London : Cassell, 1886IA 
New York : Cassell, 1886IA 
Seven sermons before Edward VI : on each Friday in Lent, 1549 (Birmingham, 1869)
Seven sermons before Edward vi ... 1549, ed. by E. Arber (1869)
Seven Sermons Before Edward VI on Each Friday in Lent: 1549, and the Sixth Edition of 1633, ed. Edward Arber (1869)
Seven sermons before Edward VI, on each Friday in Lent, 1549
5, Queen Square, Bloomsbury, W.C., 1869GB 
A. Murray, 1869GB 
ed. Edward Arber (s.l., 1869)GB 
Birmingham [England], 1869IA 
Cambridge, 1869IA 
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