Heinrich Bullinger (†1575)
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Author | Vols. | Tradition | Faculty | Reference | Tabing, Johann (†1695) | 3 | Reformed | Philosophy, Zerbst (1674-1675); Philosophy, Bremen (1690-1695) | Rotermund | Tachard, Guy, S.J. (†1712) | 17 | n/a | | | Taddel, Elias (†1660) | 2 | Lutheran | Theology, Rostock (1640-1643) | | Taelboem, Guilielmus (†1608) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | NNBW | Taffin, Jean, Jr (†1613) | 2 | Reformed | | | Taffin, Jean, Sr (†1602) | 24 | Reformed | | nl fr | ADB | DBNL | Tagaut, Jean (†1560) | 9 | n/a | Philosophy, Lausanne (1557-1559); Philosophy, Geneva (1559-1560) | | Tallents, Francis (†1708) | 2 | Puritan, Reformed | | en | DNB1 | Tállyai, Márton (†1642) | 0 | Reformed | | | Talon, Omer (†1562) | 41 | n/a | | | Tamás, Balásfy (†1625) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | hu | Tanner, Adam, S.J. (†1632) | 96 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Ingolstadt (1603-1618); Theology, Vienna (1618-1627); Chancellor, Prague (Charles University) (1627-?) | de en | CE | Scholasticon | Tanner, Daniel (†1646) | 10 | Lutheran | | | Tapia, Pedro de (†1657) | 5 | Roman Catholic | | | Tappan, David (†1803) | 8 | Reformed | Theology, Harvard (1792-1803) | en | Tapper, Ruard (†1559) | 31 | Roman Catholic | | | Tardif, Th. (fl.1661-) | 2 | Reformed | | Haag1 | Tarnow, Johann (†1629) | 115 | Lutheran | Theology, Rostock (1614-1629) | ADB | Tarnow, Paul (†1633) | 15 | Lutheran | Theology, Rostock (1604-1633) | ADB | Tartaretus, Petrus (†1522) | 68 | n/a | | | Tarvisanus, Hieronymus, O.P. | 0 | Roman Catholic | | Zedler | Tatianus Syrus (†180) | 8 | n/a | | | Taurellus, Nicolaus (†1606) | 72 | n/a | | | Taurinus, Jacobus (†1618) | 47 | Arminian-Remonstrant | | en | Taverner, Richard (†1575) | 6 | Anglican, Reformed | | | Taylor, Abraham (fl.1726-1740) | 4 | Puritan, Reformed | | | Taylor, Edward (†1729) | 1 | Puritan, Reformed | | | Taylor, Edward (fl.1691-) | 1 | n/a | | | Taylor, Francis (†1656) | 9 | Reformed | | | Taylor, Jeremy (†1667) | 178 | Anglican, Arminian-Remonstrant | | en | Taylor, John (†1761) | 3 | n/a | | | Taylor, Nathaniel (†1702) | 7 | Reformed | | | Taylor, Richard (†1717) | 2 | Reformed | | | Taylor, Thomas (†1632) | 40 | Puritan, Reformed | | en | DNB1 | Tayus, Johannes (†1630) | 1 | Reformed | | | Techenmacher, Werner (†1638) | 6 | Reformed | | de | Tectander, Georg (†1614) | 8 | n/a | | | Tedeschi, Niccolò, O.S.B. (†1445) | 26 | n/a | | | Teeckmannus, Arnoldus (†1666) | 5 | Reformed | | | Teellinck, Eeuwoud (†1629) | 35 | Reformed | | NNBW | Teellinck, Willem (†1629) | 53 | Reformed | | en nl | ADB | DBNL | Teissier, Antoine (†1715) | 20 | n/a | | | Telegdi, Miklós (†1586) | 1 | Roman Catholic | |  | Telesio, Bernardino (†1588) | 5 | n/a | | | Telle, Reinier (†1618) | 10 | Arminian-Remonstrant, Socinian-Unitarian | | | Teller, Romanus (†1750) | 1 | Lutheran | | | Teller, Wilhelm A. (†1804) | 23 | Lutheran | | | Telles, Balthazar, S.J. (†1675) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | | Temple, Sir William (†1699) | 12 | n/a | | | Temple, William (†1627) | 2 | Reformed | | | Templer, John (†1693) | 7 | Anglican | | | Tena, Luis de (†1622) | 4 | Roman Catholic | | | Tenans, Jean (†1617) | 0 | Reformed | Theology, Montauban (1600-1617) | | Tenison, Thomas (†1715) | 47 | Anglican, Latitudinarian | | en | Tennent, Gilbert (†1764) | 9 | Reformed | | | Tepelius, Johannes (†1677) | 2 | Lutheran | | ADB | Terentius, Johannes G. (†1677) | 1 | Reformed | Theology, Franeker (1651-1677) | ADB | NNBW | Teresa of Jesus, Saint (†1582) | 19 | Roman Catholic | | | Terrill, Edward (†1686) | 4 | Baptist | | | Terrisse, Théophile (†1676) | 1 | Reformed | Philosophy, Die (1640-1662); Philosophy, Lausanne (1662-1664); Philosophy, Die (1665-1674) | Haag1 | Terry, John (†1625) | 1 | Puritan, Reformed | | en | Tersteegen, Gerhard (†1769) | 75 | Reformed | | en de | Tertullian (†220) | 8 | n/a | | | Testard, Paul (†1650) | 2 | Reformed | | Haag1 | Tetzel, Johannes (†1519) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Teuder, Caspar (fl.1587-1591) | 1 | Lutheran | | Zedler | Texier, Claude, S.J. (†1687) | 42 | Roman Catholic | | | Textor, Bernhard (†1602) | 7 | Reformed | | de | ADB | Textor, Johann M. (fl.1715-) | 1 | n/a | | | Thache, Thomas (†1678) | 1 | Puritan, Reformed | | | Thacher, Thomas (†1678) | 0 | Reformed | | | Thaddaeus, Johannes (†1652) | 4 | n/a | | | Thaliaeus, Martinus (fl.1634-) | 0 | Reformed | | | Thalmann, Benedikt (fl.1565-1589) | 15 | Reformed | | | Thalmüller, Georg (†1618) | 0 | Reformed | | | Thamer, Theobald (†1569) | 13 | Lutheran, Roman Catholic | Theology, Marburg (1543-1549) | ADB | Thanner, Johannes E., S.J. (†1680) | 5 | Roman Catholic | | | Theatines, Constitutiones (†1604) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Themeswar, Pelbartus de, O.F.M. Obs. (†1504) | 130 | Roman Catholic | | | Themistius (†c.390) | 7 | n/a | | | Themmen, Phoebus (†1737) | 2 | Reformed | | | Themmen, Wilhelmus (†1764) | 5 | Reformed | | | Theobald, Zacharias (†1627) | 15 | Lutheran | | ADB | Theodoret of Cyrus (†457) | 12 | n/a | |  | Théophile of Cremona (fl.1471-) | 0 | n/a | | | Theophilus of Antioch (†c.185) | 8 | n/a | | | Theophylact of Ohrid (†1107) | 77 | n/a | |  | Thiel, Cornelis van (†1688) | 1 | Reformed | Philosophy, Harderwijk (1655-1658); Philosophy, Harderwijk (1658-1688) | | Thierry, Jean (fl.1654-) | 1 | n/a | | | Thilo, Tobias C. (†1662) | 2 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Rinteln | | Thirlby, Styan (†1753) | 3 | n/a | | | Thomas, Edward (fl.1674-) | 1 | n/a | | | Thomas à Kempis (†1471) | 5 | n/a | | | Thomas Aquinas (†1274) | 313 | n/a | | en | Thomas de Andrada (†1585) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Thomas de Jesus, O.C.D. (†1624) | 64 | Roman Catholic | | | Thomas de Vallgornera, O.P. (†1665) | 6 | Roman Catholic | | | Thomas of Eccleston, O.F.M. (fl.1231-1258) | 8 | n/a | | | Thomas of Strasbourg, O.E.S.A. (†1357) | 3 | n/a | | | Thomasius, Christian (†1728) | 108 | Lutheran | Law, Leipzig (1684-1690); Law, Halle (1694-1728) | en de | ADB | Scholasticon | Thomasius, Jakob (†1684) | 82 | Lutheran | | en | Thomassin, Louis, O.F. (†1695) | 105 | Roman Catholic | | en | Scholasticon | Thomson, George (fl.1648-1679) | 5 | n/a | | | Thomson, George (fl.1604-1606) | 4 | n/a | | | Thomson, George (fl.1788-1795) | 2 | n/a | | | Thomson, Richard (†1613) | 3 | Anglican, Arminian-Remonstrant | | | Thoraconymus, Matthias (†1591) | 0 | Reformed | | de sk | Thorburn, John (†1788) | 0 | Reformed | | | Thorlaksson, Gudbrande (†1627) | 1 | n/a | | | Thorndike, Herbert (†1672) | 42 | Anglican | | en | Thorowgood, Thomas (†1669) | 1 | Reformed | | | Thou, Jacques Auguste de (†1617) | 82 | Roman Catholic | | | Throckmorton, Job (†1601) | 0 | Puritan | | | Thumm, Theodor (†1630) | 75 | Lutheran | Theology, Tübingen (1618-1630) | ADB | Thuronius, Andreas (†1665) | 0 | n/a | | fi | Scholasticon | Thyraeus, Petrus, S.J. (†1601) | 76 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Würzburg (1590-1601) | en | Thysius, Antoine, Jr (†1665) | 16 | Reformed | | | Thysius, Antoine, Sr (†1640) | 18 | Reformed | Theology, Harderwijk (1601-1619); Theology, Leiden (1619-1640) | en de | ADB | NNBW | Tilburg, Nicolaas | 1 | Reformed | Philosophy, Groningen (1724-1741) | | Tilemann, Johann (†1747) | 4 | Reformed | Philosophy, Marburg (1720-1747) | Strieder | Tilemann, Philipp J. (†1708) | 3 | Reformed | Theology, Hamm (1676-1685); Theology, Marburg (1685-1708) | de | ADB | Rotermund | Strieder | Tilenus, Abraham (fl.1646-) | 1 | Reformed | | | Tilenus, Daniel (†1633) | 38 | Arminian-Remonstrant, Reformed | Theology, Sedan (1602-1619) | | Haag1 | Tilesius, Nathanael (†1616) | 5 | Lutheran | | | Tillinghast, John (†1655) | 2 | n/a | | | Tillotson, John (†1694) | 230 | Anglican, Arminian-Remonstrant, Latitudinarian | | | Tilly, William | 8 | Anglican | | | Timann, Johannes (†1557) | 6 | Lutheran | | de | ADB | Rotermund | Timpler, Clemens (†1624) | 35 | Reformed | Philosophy, Steinfurt (1595-1624) | en de | ADB | Scholasticon | Tindal, Matthew (†1733) | 24 | n/a | | en | Tirini, Jacobus, S.J. (†1636) | 47 | Roman Catholic | | en | Titelmannus, Franciscus, O.F.M. (†1537) | 27 | Roman Catholic | | | Titius, Caspar (†1656) | 3 | Lutheran | | | Titius, Gerhard (†1681) | 160 | Lutheran | Theology, Helmstedt (1650-1681); Helmstedt (?-1650) | ADB | Tittelmans, Franciscus, O.F. (†1537) | 39 | Roman Catholic | | | Toland, John (†1722) | 79 | n/a | | | Toledo, Francisco de, S.J. (†1596) | 143 | Roman Catholic | Philosophy, Salamanca (1555-1559); Philosophy, Rome (Gregorianum) (1559-1563); Theology, Rome (Gregorianum) (1563-1590) | en fr | Toll, Frederick (†1765) | 1 | n/a | | | Tomann, Johann P. (†1651) | 31 | Reformed | Theology, Zürich (1621-1627); Philosophy, Zürich (1627-?); Theology, Zürich (1636-1651) | Leu | Tomás de Trujillo, O.P. (fl.1590-) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Tombes, John (†1676) | 5 | Baptist | | en | Tomkinson, Thomas (†1710) | 10 | n/a | | en | Tomkys, John (fl.1579-1586) | 1 | n/a | | | Tomson, Laurence (†1608) | 2 | Puritan, Reformed | | en | DNB1 | Tong, William (†1727) | 13 | Puritan, Reformed | | en | DNB1 | EMLO | Tonge, Ezerel (fl.1680-) | 4 | n/a | | | Tonge, Thomas (†1662) | 0 | n/a | | | Tonjola, Johannes (†1700) | 5 | Reformed | | | Tonsor, Johann H. (†1649) | 3 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Giessen (1620-1625); Philosophy, Marburg (1625-1632); Theology, Marburg (1632-1649) | de | ADB | Tonti, Giacinto, O.E.S.A. (†1726) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Töpffer, Andreas (†1721) | 2 | n/a | | | Toplady, Augustus (†1778) | 48 | Reformed | | en | DNB2 | Topsell, Edward (†1625) | 1 | Anglican | | en | Torquemada, Juan de (†1468) | 45 | n/a | | | Torre, Rafael de la, O.P. | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Torres, Francisco de, S.J. (†1584) | 69 | Roman Catholic | | en | CE | Scholasticon | Torres, Jerónimo, S.J. (†1611) | 25 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Dillingen (1567-?); Theology, Ingolstadt | | Torres, Luis de, S.J. (†1655) | 13 | Roman Catholic | | | Torshell, Samuel (†1650) | 2 | Reformed | | | Toselli, Bernhard, O.F.M. (fl.1738-1760) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | | Tossanus, Daniel, Jr (†1655) | 5 | Reformed | Theology, Heidelberg (1655-1655) | Zedler | Tossanus, Daniel, Sr (†1602) | 205 | Reformed | Theology, Heidelberg (1586-1601) | en fr | ADB | VGT | Tossanus, Paulus (†1634) | 12 | Reformed | | ADB | Tossanus, Pierre (†1573) | 0 | Reformed, Roman Catholic | | fr | Tostado, Alonso (†1455) | 182 | n/a | | es en | CE | Tóth, György M. (†1681) | 1 | Reformed | | hu | Toulmin, George H. (fl.1780-) | 1 | n/a | | | Toulmin, Joshua (†1815) | 11 | Socinian-Unitarian | | | Tournely, Honoré (†1729) | 70 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Douai (1688-1692); Theology, Paris (1692-?) | | Touron, Antoine, O.P. (†1775) | 6 | Roman Catholic | | | Towers, William (†1666) | 1 | n/a | | | Towerson, Gabriel (†1697) | 5 | Anglican | | en | Towgood, Matthew (†1757) | 3 | n/a | | | Towgood, Micaiah (†1792) | 18 | n/a | | | Towne, Robert (†1663) | 2 | Anabaptist | | | Tozer, Henry (†1650) | 1 | Puritan, Reformed | | en | Traherne, Thomas (†1674) | 10 | Anglican | | en | Traheron, Bartholomew (†1558) | 1 | Reformed | | en | DNB1 | Trail, Robert (†1716) | 25 | Puritan, Reformed | | DNB2 | Trail, Robert (†1775) | 0 | Reformed | Theology, Glasgow (1761-1775) | | Tranquillus, Gaius S. (†81) | 1 | n/a | |  | Trapezuntius, Georgius (†1472) | 27 | n/a | | en | Trapnel, Anna (fl.1654-1659) | 0 | n/a | | | Trapp, John (†1669) | 4 | Puritan, Reformed | | en | DNB2 | Trapp, Joseph (†1747) | 30 | Anglican | | | Traske, John (†c.1638) | 0 | n/a | | | Travers, Walter (†1635) | 3 | Puritan, Reformed | | en | DNB1 | Travis, George (†1797) | 3 | Anglican | | | Treger, Conrad, O.E.S.A. (†1542) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | de | Trejo, Antonio de (†1635) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Trelcatius, Lucas, Jr (†1607) | 22 | Reformed | Theology, Leiden (1602-1607) | NNBW | Trelcatius, Lucas, Sr (†1602) | 4 | Reformed | Theology, Leiden (1587-1602) | pt | ADB | NNBW | Trembley, Jacques-André (†1763) | 0 | Reformed | Theology, Geneva (1756-1763) | HLS | Tremellius, Immanuel (†1580) | 33 | Reformed | Theology, Cambridge (1549-1553); Theology, Heidelberg (1561-1577); Theology, Sedan (1577-1579) | en de | ADB | DNB1 | Trescho, Sebastian (†1804) | 19 | Lutheran | | de | Tresenreuter, Johann U. (†1744) | 0 | Lutheran | | de | Tresham, William (†1569) | 0 | Roman Catholic | | en | Treuer, Gottlieb S. (†1743) | 6 | n/a | | | Treutler, Hieronymus (†1607) | 32 | n/a | | | Treviran, Andreas H. (†1680) | 0 | Reformed | | | Treviranus, Ludwig G. (†1757) | 1 | Reformed | | Rotermund | Trew, Abdias (†1669) | 27 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Altdorf (1636-1650); Philosophy, Altdorf (1650-1669) | de | ADB | Tribauer, Esaias (fl.1560-1575) | 12 | Lutheran | | | Tribbechov, Adam (†1687) | 0 | Lutheran | | | Tricassinus, Carolus J. | 6 | Roman Catholic | | | Trickett, Samuel (†1712) | 1 | Anglican | | | Trigault, Nicolas, S.J. (†1628) | 6 | Roman Catholic | | | Trigge, Francis (†1606) | 2 | Reformed | | | Trigland, Jacobus, Jr (†1705) | 31 | Reformed | Theology, Leiden (1686-?) | NNBW | Trigland, Jacobus, Sr (†1654) | 177 | Reformed | Theology, Leiden (1633-?) | en | DBNL | Trigoso, Pedro, O.F.M. Cap. (†1593) | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Trincavelli, Vittore (†1568) | 30 | n/a | | | Trithemius, Johannes (†1516) | 115 | Roman Catholic | | | Triverius, Jeremias (†1554) | 3 | n/a | | | Trombeta, Antonio, O.F.M. Conv. (†1517) | 8 | Roman Catholic | Metaphysics, Padua (1476-1511) | | Trommius, Abraham (†1719) | 17 | Reformed | | | Tronchin, Louis, I (†1705) | 5 | Reformed | Theology, Geneva (1661-1705) | HLS | Tronchin, Louis, II (†1756) | 0 | Reformed | Theology, Geneva (1737-1756) | | Tronchin, Théodore (†1657) | 13 | Reformed | Theology, Geneva (1606-1618); Theology, Geneva (1615-1656) | en | HLS | Tronchin, Théodore (†1781) | 1 | n/a | | | Trosse, George (†1713) | 1 | Puritan, Reformed | | | Trost, Johann (fl.1651-1653) | 2 | Lutheran | | | Trost, Martin (†1636) | 8 | Lutheran | Theology, Wittenberg (1629-1636) | ADB | Troughton, John (†1681) | 2 | Puritan, Reformed | | DNB1 | EMLO | Troughton, John (†1739) | 1 | n/a | | | Troughton, William (†c.1686) | 0 | Puritan, Reformed | | | Trouillard, Pierre (fl.1639-1686) | 2 | Reformed | Theology, Sedan (1676-1681) | Haag1 | Trubar, Primož (†1586) | 1 | Lutheran | | en de | ADB | VGT | Trullench, Juan G. | 1 | Roman Catholic | | | Truman, Joseph (†1671) | 6 | Puritan, Reformed | | DNB2 | Trutfetter, Jodocus (†1519) | 10 | n/a | | | Trutius, Antonius (fl.1582-1603) | 0 | Reformed | Philosophy, Leiden | | Trygophorus, Caleb (†1613) | 16 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Frankfurt | Zedler | Trygophorus, Johannes (†1626) | 7 | Lutheran | | de | Tschirnhaus, Eherenfried W. (†1708) | 3 | n/a | | | Tucker, Abraham (†1774) | 24 | n/a | | | Tucker, Josiah (†1799) | 43 | Anglican | | | Tuckermann, Peter (†1651) | 25 | Lutheran | | | Tuckney, Anthony (†1670) | 6 | Reformed | Theology, Cambridge (1656-1661) | en | DNB2 | Tuinman, Carolus (†1728) | 38 | Reformed | | | Tuke, Thomas (†1657) | 15 | Puritan, Reformed | | en | Tuldenus, Diodorus (†1669) | 10 | Roman Catholic | | | Tully, Thomas (†1676) | 11 | Reformed | | en | DNB2 | Tulp, Nicolaas | 3 | n/a | | | Tungerlarius, Johann (fl.1606-1624) | 18 | Lutheran | | | Tunstall, Cuthbert (†1559) | 22 | Roman Catholic | | en | Turberville, Henry (†1678) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | | Turnbull, George (†1748) | 4 | Anglican | Philosophy, Aberdeen (1721-1727) | en | Turnbull, Richard (†1593) | 3 | Reformed | | | Turnemann, Matthäus (fl.1624-) | 1 | Reformed | | EMLO | Turner, Daniel (†1798) | 5 | Baptist | | | Turner, Francis (†1700) | 5 | Anglican | | en | Turner, John | 4 | Anglican, Arminian-Remonstrant | | | Turner, John (†1720) | 1 | Anglican | | | Turner, John (fl.1641-) | 0 | n/a | | | Turner, William (†1568) | 10 | Anglican | | | Turner, William (†1859) | 3 | n/a | | | Turner, William (†1740) | 2 | n/a | | | Turner, William (†1701) | 0 | n/a | | | Turner, William (fl.1710-1727) | 2 | n/a | | | Turnowski, Jan (†1629) | 3 | Reformed | | | Turretin, Benedict (†1631) | 33 | Reformed | Theology, Geneva (1612-1631) | de | HLS | Turretin, Francis (†1687) | 80 | Reformed | Theology, Geneva (1653-1687) | en it | HLS | Scholasticon | Turretin, Jean-Alphonse (†1737) | 130 | Reformed | Theology, Geneva (1697-1737); Theology, Geneva (1705-1737) | en fr | HLS | Turretin, Michael (†1721) | 4 | Reformed | Theology, Geneva (1676-1718) | | Turretin, Samuel (†1727) | 1 | Reformed | Theology, Geneva (1718-1719); Theology, Geneva (1719-1727) | | Tussai, János (fl.1720-) | 2 | Reformed | | | Twells, Leonard (†1742) | 10 | Anglican | | | Twisck, Pieter J. (†1636) | 12 | Baptist | | | Twisse, William (†1646) | 34 | Reformed | | en | DNB1 | Scholasticon | Tydaeus, Jacob (†1700) | 2 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Rostock (1657-1658); Königsberg (1661-1669) | | Tymme, Thomas (†1620) | 0 | Reformed | | en | DNB1 | Tympe, Johann G. (†1768) | 2 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Jena (1734-1761); Theology, Jena (1761-1768) | | Tympe, Matthäus (†1616) | 32 | Roman Catholic | | | Tyndale, William (†1536) | 93 | Anglican, Lutheran | | en | Tyrie, James, S.J. (†1597) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | | Tyrrell, James (†1718) | 7 | n/a | | | Tyszkiewicz, Jerzy, S.J. (†1656) | 3 | Roman Catholic | | |
| |