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Author | Vols. | Tradition | Faculty | Reference | Abbadie, Jacques (†1727) | 266 | Reformed | | fr en | DNB1 | DNB2 | Haag2 | NDB | Abelard, Peter (†1142) | 24 | n/a | | en fr | EMLO | Abelly, Louis (†1691) | 157 | Roman Catholic | | fr en | BBKL | CE | Abernethy, John (†1740) | 29 | Reformed | | en | Abernethy, John (†1831) | 31 | n/a | | | Abicht, Johann G. (†1740) | 76 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Leipzig (1702-1711); Theology, Leipzig (1711-1717); Rector, Danzig (1717-1730); Theology, Wittenberg (1730-1739) | de en | ADB | Zedler | Acanthius, Georg D. (fl.1549-1554) | 3 | n/a | | | Achenbach, Carl C. (†1720) | 2 | Reformed | Theology, Heidelberg (1696-1700) | Zedler | Acosta, José de, S.J. (†1600) | 60 | Roman Catholic | Theology, Rome (Gregorianum) (1594-?) | en | Scholasticon | Adami, Johann S. (†1713) | 7 | Lutheran | | de | Adelphus, Johannes (†1523) | 37 | n/a | | | Adriaan van Utrecht (†1523) | 18 | Roman Catholic | | | Aemilius, Georg (†1569) | 14 | Lutheran | | de | BBKL | NDB | Aepinus, Franz A. (†1750) | 9 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Rostock (1712-1721); Theology, Rostock (1721-1750) | de | ADB | Scholasticon | Aepinus, Johann (†1553) | 19 | Lutheran | | de en | NDB | VGT | Agricola, Franciscus (†c.1624) | 49 | Roman Catholic | | | Agricola, Joannes (†1566) | 15 | Lutheran | | de en | VGT | Agricola, Stephan (†1547) | 2 | Lutheran | | | Ainsworth, Henry (†1622) | 51 | Puritan, Reformed | | en | DNB2 | Alard, Franz (†1578) | 2 | Lutheran | | de | Alard, Wilhelm (†1645) | 17 | Lutheran | | de | Alber, Matthaeus (†1570) | 6 | Lutheran | | de | Alber, Matthaeus (†1570) | 8 | Lutheran | | | Alberti, Georg W. (†1758) | 12 | Lutheran | | | Alberti, Valentin (†1697) | 140 | Lutheran | Philosophy, Leipzig (1663-1672); Theology, Leipzig (1672-1697) | de en | BBKL | NDB | Albertus Magnus, O.P. (†1280) | 219 | n/a | | | Alberus, Erasmus (†1553) | 41 | Lutheran | | de en | Albinus, Christoph (†1650) | 2 | Lutheran | | | Alers, Heinrich (†1714) | 1 | Reformed | Theology, Bremen (1668-?) | Rotermund | Alesius, Alexander (†1565) | 62 | Lutheran, Reformed | Arts, Wittenberg (1532-1535); Theology, Cambridge (1535-1539); Theology, Frankfurt (1540-1542); Theology, Leipzig (1542-1565) | en de | BBKL | DNB1 | DNB2 | NDB | Alexander of Aphrodisias (fl.198-c.209) | 22 | n/a | | | Alleine, Joseph (†1668) | 21 | Puritan, Reformed | | en | DNB1 | Allestree, Richard (†1681) | 98 | Anglican | Theology, Oxford (1663-1679) | en | EMLO | Allix, Pierre (†1717) | 73 | Reformed | | en fr | DNB1 | EMLO | Alsted, Johann H. (†1638) | 212 | Reformed | Philosophy & Theology, Herborn (1608-1629) | en de | EMLO | NDB | Scholasticon | Altenrath, Georg (fl.1596-) | 3 | Reformed | | | Altenstaig, Johannes (†1525) | 72 | Roman Catholic | | ADB | Althamer, Andreas (†1539) | 81 | Lutheran | | de en | BBKL | NDB | Althofer, Christoph (†1660) | 44 | Lutheran | | ADB | Alting, Heinrich (†1644) | 67 | Reformed | Theology, Heidelberg (1613-1622); Theology, Groningen (1627-1644) | en | ADB | EMLO | NNBW | Alting, Menso (†1612) | 19 | Reformed | | de en | DBNL | EMLO | NDB | Altmann, Johann G. (†1758) | 24 | Reformed | Philosophy, Bern (1734-1757) | de | ADB | HLS | Leu | Altmann, Johann (†1723) | 1 | Reformed | | Leu | Alveldt, Augustin von (†c.1535) | 14 | Roman Catholic | | de en | BBKL | Ames, William (†1633) | 210 | Puritan, Reformed | Theology, Franeker (1622-1633) | en de | ADB | DNB1 | DNB2 | EMLO | NNBW | Scholasticon | Ames, William (fl.1662-) | 7 | Quaker | | | Amling, Wolfgang (†1606) | 27 | Lutheran, Reformed | Rector, Zerbst (1566-?) | de | NDB | VGT | Amsdorff, Nicolaus von (†1565) | 138 | Lutheran | Theology, Wittenberg (1511-1524) | de en | NDB | VGT | Amyraut, Moïse (†1664) | 158 | Reformed | Theology, Saumur (1626-1664) | fr en | Bayle | EMLO | Haag2 | Andreä, Samuel (†1699) | 43 | Reformed | Rector, Herborn (1669-1671); Philosophy, Marburg (1674-1683); Theology, Marburg (1676-1699) | de | ADB | Andreae, Jakob (†1590) | 207 | Lutheran | Theology, Tübingen (1562-1590) | de en | NDB | VGT | Angelocrator, Daniel (†1635) | 18 | Reformed | | en de | ADB | Anger, Melchior (†1607) | 1 | Reformed | | | Angermann, Adalbert, O.F.M. (fl.1700-) | 2 | Roman Catholic | | | Anhaltinus, Georgius (†1553) | 4 | Lutheran | | VGT | Anhorn, Bartholomaeus, Jr (†1700) | 12 | Reformed | | HLS | Leu | Anselm of Canterbury (†1109) | 12 | n/a | | BBKL | CE | Anton, Paul (†1730) | 139 | Lutheran | | de | NDB | Aquila, Caspar (†1560) | 21 | Lutheran | | de en | NDB | Arcularius, Johann D. (†1710) | 1 | n/a | | | Aresi, Paolo (†1644) | 20 | Roman Catholic | | | Arias, Francisco (†1605) | 22 | Roman Catholic | | en | Arnd, Karl (†1721) | 15 | n/a | | | Arndt, Johann (†1621) | 103 | Lutheran | | de en | Arnobius of Sicca (†330) | 9 | n/a | | | Arnold, Gottfried (†1714) | 32 | Lutheran | Theology, Giessen (1697-1698) | en de | Artomedes, Sebastian (†1602) | 9 | Lutheran | | de | NDB | Auerbach, David (†1647) | 3 | Lutheran | Theology, Leipzig (1639-1647) | de | Augustine, Aurelius (†430) | 141 | n/a | | BBKL | CE | Aurifaber, Johann (†1575) | 1 | Lutheran | | de en | NDB | Aymon, Jean (†1720) | 7 | Reformed | | fr |
| |