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Ainsworth, Henry (1569-1622)  en
Annotations on the Pentateuch or the five books of Moses ; the Psalms of David and the Song of Solomon : with a memoir of the author, vol. 2 (Glasgow : Blackie, 1846)
Annotations upon the five bookes of Moses, the Book of the psalmes, and Song of songs, or, Canticles (Glasgow : Blackie)
Vol. 1 (1843)
Vol. 2 (1843) IA 
Alleine, Joseph (1634-1668)  en
An alarm to unconverted sinners (Glasgow : Chalmers and Collins, 1824)
Allinga, Petrus (1658-1692)
The satisfaction of Christ, stated and defended, against the Socinians : in two parts, trans. Thomas Bell (Glasgow : Alex. Adam, 1790)
Ambrose, Isaac (1604-1664)  en
Media, the middle things in reference to the first and last things : or, The means, duties, ordinances, both secret, private, and publick, for continuance and increase of a Godly life, once begun till we come to Heaven ... (Glasgow : Archibald Ingram [and 3 others], 1737)
Prima the first things, in reference to the middle and last things : or, the doctrine of regeneration, the new birth, the very beginning of a Godly life (Glasgow : James Cullen Preacher, Archibald Ingram, James Dechman, John Hamilton, and John Glasford, 1737)
Prima, media, et ultima, or, The first, middle, and last things ... (Glasgow : James Knox, 1757)
Anderson, John (c.1668-1721)
A defense of the church-government, faith, worship & spirit of the Presbyterians : in answer to a late book intituled, An apology for Mr. Thomas Rhind, or an account of the manner how and the reasons for which he separated from the Presbyterian party, and embraced the communion of the church
Glasgow : H. Brown, 1714IA 
Baxter, Richard (1615-1691)  en de
A call to the unconverted, to turn and live, and accept of mercy while mercy may be had (Glasgow : Porteous and Hislop, 1863)
A call to the unconverted; now or never: and fifty reasons why a sinner ought to turn to God this day without delay
Glasgow : For Chalmers & Collins, 1825GB 
On the mischiefs of self-ignorance : and the benefits of self-acquaintance (Glasgow : William Collins, 1828)
On the mischiefs of self-ignorance, and the benefits of self-acquaintance (Glasgow : William Collins, 1828)
The Saints Everlasting Rest [abridged ed.], 8th ed., ed. Benjamin Fawcett (Glasgow : William Collins, 1838)
The Saints Everlasting Rest: or, a treatise on the blessed state of the saints in their enjoyment of God in heaven : to which are added Dying thoughts [abridged ed.], ed. Benjamin Fawcett (Glasgow : Waugh and Innes, 1824)
Bell, Thomas (1733-1802)
A view of the covenants of works and grace: and a treatise on the nature and effects of saving faith. To which are added, several discourses on the supreme deity of Jesus Christ (Glasgow : Edward Khull & Co. for W. Somerwille, 1814)
Beveridge, William (1637-1708)
Private thoughts on religion : and A Christian life, in two parts (Glasgow : W. Collins, 1836)
Binning, Hugh (1627-1653)
The common principiles of Christian religion clearly proved and singularly improved, or, A practical catechism wherein some of the most concerning-foundations of our faith are solidely laid down, and that doctrine, which is according to godliness, sweetly, yet pungently pressed home and most satisfyingly handled ([Glasgow] : R.S., printer to the town of Glasgow, 1667)
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