Lawson, George (1749-1820) |
Practical expositions of the whole books of Ruth and Esther : with three sermons on the duties of parents to their children ( Philadelphia : W.S. Rentoul, 1870) | IA | | |
Leighton, Robert (1611-1684) en |
Practical commentary upon the first Epistle general of Peter; to which is prefixed a brief memoir of the author ( Philadelphia : Presbyterian Bd. of Publication) | |
| IA | | |
Vol. 2 (1864) | IA | | |
Lobwasser, Ambrosius (1515-1585) en de |
Die Psalmen Davids : nach Dr. Martin Luthers Uebersetzung ( Philadelphia : King und Baird, 1858) | IA | | |
Lubbertus, Sibrandus (c.1556-1625) en |
Epistolica Disceptatio de fide justificante deque nostra coram Deo justificatione, habita inter... D. Sibrandum Lubberti,... et Petrum Bertium ( Delphis Batavorum : apud J. Andreae, 1612) / added author(s): Petrus Bertius | GB | | |
Luther, Martin (1483-1546) de en |
Der kleine Catechismus des sel. D. Martin Luthers : nebst den gewöhnlichen Morgen- Abend- und Tisch- Gebeten ( Philadelphia : Gedruckt für J. und R. Johnson, 1805) | IA | | |
Lutheran Church |
The book of concord : or, The symbolical books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church ( Philadelphia : United Lutheran Publication House, 1911) [People's edition] | IA | | |
Lyford, William (c.1597-1653) en |
The instructed Christian : or, The plain man's senses exercised to discern both good and evil ( Philadelphia : W. Hudson, 1847) | IA | | |
Maclaurin, John (1693-1754) |
Essays on happiness, Christian piety, prejudices against the Gospel, and the Scripture doctrine of grace : to which is added the celebrated sermon on glorying in the cross of Christ ( Philadelphia : Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1800) | IA | | |
| IA | | |
| IA | | |
Marckius, Johannes (1656-1731) de |
Christianæ theologiæ medulla didactico-elenctica: ex majori opere, secundum ejus capita, et paragraphos, expressa, ed. Willem van Irhoven | |
ed. Willem van Irhoven (Philadelphia : J. Anderson, 1824) | GB | | |
ed. Willem van Irhoven (Philadelphia : J. Anderson, 1825) | GB | | |
Massillon, Jean Baptiste (1663-1742) |
Sermons by J. B. Massillon, bishop of Clermont. To which is prefixed, the life of the author ( Philadelphia : M. Carey and son) | |
| IA | | |
Vol. 2 (1818) | IA | | |
McEwen, William (1735-1762) |
Grace and truth, or, The glory and fulness of the Redeemer displayed: in an attempt to explain, illustrate, and enforce, the most remarkable types, figures, and allegories of the Old Testament. To which is added thoughts on various subjects ( Philadelphia : W. W. Woodward, 1821) | IA | | |
Mead, Matthew (1629-1699) en |
The Almost Christian Discovered; or, the False Professor Tried and Cast ( Philadelphia : Presb. Bd. of Pub., 1900) | IA | | |
Mosheim, Johann Lorenz von (1693-1755) en de |
An ecclesiastical history, ancient and modern : from the birth of Christ, to the beginning of the present century: in which the rise, progress, and variations of church power are considered in their connexion with the state of learning and philosophy, and the political history of Europe during that period ( Philadelphia : Stephen C. Ustick ...) | |
| IA | | |
Vol. 2 (1797) | IA | | |