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Primary Sources (282 titles, 464 vols.) Suggest a New Source
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Lawson, George (1749-1820)
Practical expositions of the whole books of Ruth and Esther : with three sermons on the duties of parents to their children (Philadelphia : W.S. Rentoul, 1870)
Leighton, Robert (1611-1684)  en
Practical commentary upon the first Epistle general of Peter; to which is prefixed a brief memoir of the author (Philadelphia : Presbyterian Bd. of Publication)
Vol. 1 (1864)
Vol. 2 (1864) IA 
Lobwasser, Ambrosius (1515-1585)  en de
Die Psalmen Davids : nach Dr. Martin Luthers Uebersetzung (Philadelphia : King und Baird, 1858)
Lubbertus, Sibrandus (c.1556-1625)  en
Epistolica Disceptatio de fide justificante deque nostra coram Deo justificatione, habita inter... D. Sibrandum Lubberti,... et Petrum Bertium (Delphis Batavorum : apud J. Andreae, 1612) / added author(s): Petrus Bertius
Luther, Martin (1483-1546)  de en
Der kleine Catechismus des sel. D. Martin Luthers : nebst den gewöhnlichen Morgen- Abend- und Tisch- Gebeten (Philadelphia : Gedruckt für J. und R. Johnson, 1805)
Lutheran Church
The book of concord : or, The symbolical books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church (Philadelphia : United Lutheran Publication House, 1911) [People's edition]
Lyford, William (c.1597-1653)  en
The instructed Christian : or, The plain man's senses exercised to discern both good and evil (Philadelphia : W. Hudson, 1847)
Maclaurin, John (1693-1754)
Essays on happiness, Christian piety, prejudices against the Gospel, and the Scripture doctrine of grace : to which is added the celebrated sermon on glorying in the cross of Christ (Philadelphia : Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1800)
Sermons and essays: by the late Rev. Mr. John M'Laurin .. (Philadelphia, Published by W. W.Woodward, no. 52, corner of Second and Chestnut streets. W. M'Culloch : printer, 1811)
Marckius, Johannes (1656-1731)  de
Christianæ theologiæ medulla didactico-elenctica: ex majori opere, secundum ejus capita, et paragraphos, expressa, ed. Willem van Irhoven
ed. Willem van Irhoven (Philadelphia : J. Anderson, 1824)GB 
ed. Willem van Irhoven (Philadelphia : J. Anderson, 1825)GB 
Massillon, Jean Baptiste (1663-1742)
Sermons by J. B. Massillon, bishop of Clermont. To which is prefixed, the life of the author (Philadelphia : M. Carey and son)
Vol. 1 (1818)
Vol. 2 (1818) IA 
McEwen, William (1735-1762)
Grace and truth, or, The glory and fulness of the Redeemer displayed: in an attempt to explain, illustrate, and enforce, the most remarkable types, figures, and allegories of the Old Testament. To which is added thoughts on various subjects (Philadelphia : W. W. Woodward, 1821)
Mead, Matthew (1629-1699)  en
The Almost Christian Discovered; or, the False Professor Tried and Cast (Philadelphia : Presb. Bd. of Pub., 1900)
Mosheim, Johann Lorenz von (1693-1755)  en de
An ecclesiastical history, ancient and modern : from the birth of Christ, to the beginning of the present century: in which the rise, progress, and variations of church power are considered in their connexion with the state of learning and philosophy, and the political history of Europe during that period (Philadelphia : Stephen C. Ustick ...)
Vol. 1 (1797)
Vol. 2 (1797) IA 
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