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Ridley, Nicholas (c.1502-1555)  en
The works of Nicholas Ridley, D.D., sometime Lord Bishop of London, martyr, 1555
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1841GB 
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1843GB 
Robertson, William (fl.1651-1685)  en
Thesaurus Graecae linguae : in epitomen, sive Compendium redactus; et alphabetice, secundum Constantini methodum, et Schrevelii, referatus: concinnatus, & adornatus, studio & industria (Cantabrigiae : Excudebat Johannes Hayes ; Londini : Impensis Georgii Sawbridge, 1676)
Robinson, Matthew (1628-1694)
Autobiography of Matthew Robinson (Cambridge (England) : Cambridge, 1856)
Rutherforth, Thomas (1712-1771)  en
Institutes of natural law being the substance of a course of lectures on Grotius
Cambridge : J. Bentham, 1756BNF 
A System Of Natural Philosophy / 1 (Cambridge : Thurlbourn, 1748)
A System Of Natural Philosophy / 2 (Cambridge : Thurlbourn, 1748)
Sanderson, Robert (1587-1663)  en
De obligatione conscientiae praelectiones decem Oxonii in schola theologica habitae Anno Domini M.DC.XLVII
Cambridge : Univ. press, 1851IA 
Shepard, Thomas (1605-1649)  en
Sampwutteahae quinnuppekompauaenin. : Wahuwômook oggussemesuog sampwutteabáe wunnamptamwaenuog, (Cambridge [Mass.] : Samuel Green, 1689)
Wine for Gospel wantons, or, Cautions against spirituall drunkenness being the brief notes of a sermon preached at Cambridge in New-England, upon a day of publick fasting and prayer throughout the colony (Cambridge [Mass.] printed, 1668)
Sherwill, Thomas (c.1673-1740)
Church-conformity Asserted and Vindicated: A Sermon Preach'd Before the University of Cambridge, Upon the Feast of St. Simon and St. Jude. MDCCIII.
Cambridge : University-Press, for Edmund Jeffery, 1704GB 
The Degeneracy of the Present Age as to Principles. A Sermon Preach'd Before the University of Cambridge, on Sunday ... June 25. 1704. (Cambridge : University-Press, for Edmund Jeffery and Thomas Webster, 1704)
Smith, Henry (c.1560-1591)  en
The sermons of Henry Smith: the silver-tongued preacher, ed. John Brown (Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1908)
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