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Turner, William (-1568)
Turner on birds; a short and succinct history of the principal birds noticed by Pliny and Aristotle, first published by Doctor William Turner, 1544 (Cambridge : University Press, 1903)
Turner on birds: a short and succinct history of the principal birds noticed by Pliny and Aristotle first published by Doctor William Turner, 1544
Cambridge : University press, 1903IA 
Tyndale, William (c.1494-1536)  en
An answer to Sir Thomas More's Dialogue, The supper of the Lord, after the true meaning of John VI. and 1 Cor. XI., and Wm. Tracy's Testament expounded
Cambridge : University Press, 1850IA 
An answer to Sir Thomas More's Dialogue: The Supper of the Lord, after the true meaning of John 6, and 1 Cor., 11; and Wm. Tracy's Testament expounded. Edited for the Parker Society by Henry Walter (Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1850)
Doctrinal treatises : and introductions to different portions of the Holy Scriptures (Cambridge : University Press, 1848)
Works (Cambridge : University Press)
Vol. 1 (1848)
Vol. 2 (1848) IA 
Vol. 3 (1848) IA 
Ursinus, Zacharias (1534-1583)  en de
Doctrinae Christianae compendium : seu, Commentarii catechetici ([Cambridge] : Ex officina Thomæ Thomasii Inclytæ ..., 1585)
Ussher, James (1581-1656)  en
Answer to a Jesuit; with other tracts on popery (Cambridge : Cambridge, Pitt Press, 1835)
Archbishop Usher's Answer to a Jesuit : with other tracts on popery (Cambridge : J. & J.J. Deighton, 1835)
Vives, Juan Luis (1492-1540)  en
Vives, on education : a translation of the De tradendis disciplinis of Juan Luis Vives (Cambridge : The University Press, 1913)
Wakefield, Gilbert (1756-1801)
Georgicon lib. IV (Cantabrigiae : Archdeacon, 1788)
Waterland, Daniel Cosgrove (1683-1740)
An Answer to Dr. Whitby's Reply : being a vindication of the charge of fallacies, misquotations, misconstructions, misrepresentations, etc., respecting his book intituled Disquisitiones modestae, in a letter to Dr. Whitby (Cambridge [Eng.] : Corn. Crownfield, 1720)
A critical history of the Athanasian creed : Representing the opinions of antients and moderns concerning it (Cambridge : Univ. Pr., 1724)
A Critical history of the Athanasian creed : representing the opinions of antients and moderns concerning it : with an account of the manuscripts, versions, and comments, and such other particulars as are of moment for the determining the age, and author, and value of it, and the time of its reception in the Christian churches, vol. 1 (Cambridge : University Press for Corn. Crownfield, 1724)
Eight sermons preach'd at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, in defense of the Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ : upon the encouragement given by the Lady Moyer, and at the appointment of the Ld. Bishop of London ... (Cambridge : Corn. Crownfield, 1720)
The importance of the doctrine of the Holy Trinity asserted, inreply to some late pamphlets (Cambridge : Burgess, 1800)
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