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Waterland, Daniel Cosgrove (1683-1740)
A Second vindication of Christ's Divinity, or, a second defense of some queries relating to Dr. Clarke's scheme of the Holy Trinity : in answer to the country Clergy-man's reply ; wherein the learned Doctor's scheme as it now stands, after the latest correction, alteration, and explanation, is distinctly and fully consider'd (Cambridge : Corn. Crownfield and W. Innys, 1731)
Vindication of Christ's Divinity : being a defense of some queries, relating to Dr. Clarke's scheme of the H. Trinity, in answer to a Clergy-man in the country
Cambridge : Corn. Crownfield, 1719IA 
Cambridge : Corn. Crownfield, 1721IA 
Watson, Richard (1737-1816)
An apology for Christianity, in a series of letters, addressed to Edward Gibbon, esq; author of The decline and fall of the Roman empire (Cambridge : J. Archdeacon [etc.], 1776)
A collection of theological tracts (Cambridge : J. Archdeacon, printer to the University; for J. & J. Merrill, Cambridge; T. Evans, London; and J. and J. Fletcher, Oxford, 1785)
Vol. 1 (1785)
Vol. 2 (1785) IA 
Vol. 3 (1785) IA 
Vol. 4 (1785) IA 
Vol. 5 (1785) IA 
Vol. 6 (1785) IA 
A collection of theological tracts : in six volumes (Cambridge : J. Archdeacon ..., for J. & J. Merrill ..., T. Evans ..., and J. & J. Fletcher ...)
Vol. 1 (1785)
Vol. 2 (1785) IA 
Vol. 3 (1785) IA 
Vol. 4 (1785) IA 
Vol. 5 (1785) IA 
Vol. 6 (1785) IA 
The principles of the Revolution vindicated in a sermon preached before the University of Cambridge, on Wednesday, May 29, 1776 (Cambridge [England] : J. Archdeacon, 1776)
Westminster Assembly (1643-1653)  en
Confessio fidei in conventu theologorum authoritate parliamenti anglicani indicto elaborata; eidem parliamento postmodum exhibita; quin & ad eodem, deindeque ab Ecclesia Scoticana cognita & approbata; una cum catechismo duplici, majori, minorique; e sermone anglicano summa cum fide in Latinum versa, trans. William Dillingham (Cambridge : Johannes Field, 1659)
Whiston, William (1667-1752)
A short view of the chronology of the Old Testament : and of the harmony of the four evangelists (Cambridge : University Press, for B. Tooke, 1702)
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