Witherspoon, John (1723-1794) en |
The works of the Rev. John Witherspoon... To which is prefixed an account of the author's life, in a sermon occasioned by his death ( Philadelphia : William W. Woodward) | |
| IA |  |   |
Vol. 2 (1802) | IA |  |   |
The works of the Rev. John Witherspoon...: To which is prefixed an account of the author's life, in a sermon occasioned by his death, 2nd ed. ( Philadelphia : William W. Woodward) | |
| GB |  |   |
Vol. 2 (1802) | GB |  |   |
Vol. 3 (1802) | GB |  |   |
Vol. 4 (1802) | GB |  |   |
Woolman, John (1720-1772) |
Considerations on the keeping of Negroes : recommended to the professors of Christianity of every denomination ( Philadelphia : Tract Association of Friends, [n.d.]) | IA |  |   |
| IA |  |   |
A journal of the life, gospel labours and Christian experiences, of that faithful minister of Jesus Christ, John Woolman : late of Mount Holly, in the province of New Jersey ( Philadelphia : Friends' Book Association, 1880) | IA |  |   |
A journal of the life, gospel labours and Christian experiences, of that faithful minister of Jesus Christ, John Woolman, to which are added, his last epistle, and other writings ( Philadelphia : Friends' Bookstore, 1854) | IA |  |   |
Journal of the life, gospel labours, and Christian experiences ( Philadelphia : Friends' Book Association, 1892) | IA |  |   |
A journal of the life, gospel labours, and Christian experiences, of that faithful minister of Jesus Christ, John Woolman ( Philadelphia : Joseph Crukshank, 1774) | IA |  |   |
The works of John Woolman : in two parts ( Philadelphia : Joseph Crukshank, 1774) | IA |  |   |
Wyclif, John (c.1320-1384) |
Writings of the Reverend and learned John Wickliff, D.D. .. ( Philadelphia : Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1842) | IA |  |   |
Zinzendorf, Nicolaus Ludwig (1700-1760) en de |
B. Ludewigs Wahrer Bericht, De dato Germantown den 20sten Febr. 1741/2, An seine liebe Teutsche, Und Wem es sonst nützlich zu wissen ist, Wegen Sein und seiner Brüder Zusammenhanges Mit Pennsylvania, Zu Prüfung der Zeit und Umstände ausgefertiget ( Philadelphia, 1742) | SLUB |  |   |
Zwingli, Ulrich (1484-1531) en de |
| IA |  |   |
The Latin works o0f Huldreich Zwingli, vol. 2 ( Philadelphia : Heidelberg Press, 1922) [This Internet Archive title has been wrongly identified.] | IA |  |   |