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Websites (11) | Early Modern Sources (16 titles, 25 vols.) | Modern Sources (9)Suggest a New Source
Biblos 18Bibliographical database of works printed in Lausanne during the Enlightenment
Calvin Bibliography (1997-2012)A collection of citations to articles, book chapters, book reviews, and books pertaining to John Calvin, his influence, and Calvinism. Published annually by the Meeter Center.
Calvinism Resources Database (CaRD)Maintained by the H. Henry Meeter Center for Calvin Studies
Dictionnaire des auteurs anglais au Moyen-AgeBio-bibliographical dictionary of English authors relating to history and politics ca. 1300-1600
English Short-Title Catalog (1473-1800)Online database
GLN 15-16Bibliographical database of 15th and 16th century books from Genève, Lausanne, and Neuchâtel
James Ussher Bibliography
Patrick O'Banion's Zanchi websiteBiography, bibliography, primary and secondary sources
Renaissance Liturgical Imprints: a Census (RELICS)Database of information about worship books printed before 1601
Short Title Catalogue Netherlands (STCN)Bibliographical database for 1540-1800
The Galileo ProjectBiography, bibliography, & other resources on Galileo & early modern science

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