Biblos 18Bibliographical database of works printed in Lausanne during the Enlightenment |
Calvin Bibliography (1997-2012)A collection of citations to articles, book chapters, book reviews, and books pertaining to John Calvin, his influence, and Calvinism. Published annually by the Meeter Center. |
Calvinism Resources Database (CaRD)Maintained by the H. Henry Meeter Center for Calvin Studies |
Dictionnaire des auteurs anglais au Moyen-AgeBio-bibliographical dictionary of English authors relating to history and politics ca. 1300-1600 |
English Short-Title Catalog (1473-1800)Online database |
GLN 15-16Bibliographical database of 15th and 16th century books from Genève, Lausanne, and Neuchâtel |
James Ussher Bibliography |
Patrick O'Banion's Zanchi websiteBiography, bibliography, primary and secondary sources |
Renaissance Liturgical Imprints: a Census (RELICS)Database of information about worship books printed before 1601 |
Short Title Catalogue Netherlands (STCN)Bibliographical database for 1540-1800 |
The Galileo ProjectBiography, bibliography, & other resources on Galileo & early modern science |