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  Breslau »
Bremen, Germany
Faculty (58) | Disputations (116) | Related Primary Sources (1) | Secondary Sources (3)Suggest a New Source
AuthorFaculty / Appointment DatesVols.TraditionReference
Johannes MolanusRector (1563-?) 0Reformedn/a
Joachim MeisterRector (1584-1587) 0Lutheran, Reformedn/a
Johann EsichRector (1587-1593) 0Lutheran, Reformedn/a
Nathan ChyträusRector (1593-1599) 21Lutherande
Andreas WidmarRector (1600-1610) 0Reformedn/a
Johann CombachRector (1639-1643) 15Reformedde | ADB | EMLO | Rotermund | Scholasticon
Cornelius de HaseRector (1699-?) 6Reformedde | Rotermund
Johann HipstedProf. of Rhetoric, Greek, & History (?-?) 2ReformedRotermund | Zedler
Faculty of Law
Johann Eberhard SchwelingProf. of Law (1678-1691) 24ReformedRotermund | Zedler
Faculty of Medicine
Gerard de NeufvilleProf. of Medicine (1624-?) 3ReformedRotermund | Zedler
Faculty of Philosophy
Hermann RennecherProf. of Hebrew (1584-1587) 9ReformedRotermund
Joseph GrabeProf. of Philosophy & Philology (1587-?) 3ReformedRotermund | Strieder
Johann WillProf. of Logic & Metaphysics (1610-1640) 1ReformedRotermund
Gerhard HanewinckelProf. of Hebrew, Chaldean, & Syriac (1611-1669) 0ReformedRotermund
Gerard de NeufvilleProf. of Physics & Mathematics (1611-1624) 3ReformedRotermund | Zedler
Balthasar WilliusProf. of Practical Philosophy (1628-1644) 5ReformedADB | EMLO | Rotermund
Gerhard MeierProf. of Rhetoric & Pedagogy (1644-1648) 11Reformedde | Rotermund
Johann Schild, SrProf. of Greek (1644-1653) 5ReformedRotermund
Heinrich WagenfeldProf. of Logic & Metaphysics (1644-1689) 1ReformedRotermund
Gerhard MeierProf. of Logic & Metaphysics (1648-1651) 11Reformedde | Rotermund
Franciscus KöhnenProf. of Moral & Civil Philosophy (1655-1689) 5ReformedRotermund
Johann Eberhard SchwelingProf. of Physics (1670-1678) 24ReformedRotermund | Zedler
Franz BaringProf. of Greek (1683-1691) 2ReformedRotermund
Johann TabingProf. of Logic, Metaphysics, Physics, Mathematics, & Greek (1690-1695) 3ReformedRotermund
Johann Eberhard SchwelingProf. of Practical Philosophy (1691-1714) 24ReformedRotermund | Zedler
Johann Konrad KeslerProf. of Greek (1700-1704) 10Reformedn/a
Jacob MeierProf. of Greek & Oriental Languages (1704-1741) 0ReformedRotermund
Johann HavighorstProf. of Rhetoric & Poetry (1707-1718) 1ReformedRotermund
Nicolaus NonnenProf. of Practical Philosophy (1749-1772) 33ReformedRotermund
Johann Peter BergProf. of Greek & Oriental Languages (1762-1764) 2ReformedADB | Rotermund
Lüder KannengiesserProf. of Philosophy (?-?) 3Reformedn/a
Faculty of Theology
Ludovicus CrociusProf. of Theology (1610-1655) 41Reformeden de | EMLO | NDB | Rotermund
Matthaeus MartiniusProf. of Theology (1610-1630) 105Reformeden de | NDB | Rotermund
Johann LampadiusProf. of Theology & History (1613-1621) 5ReformedRotermund
Heinrich IsselburgProf. of Theology (1617-1628) 2ReformedADB | Rotermund
Johannes CoccejusProf. of Theology (1630-1636) 160Reformeden nl | EMLO | NDB | NNBW | Rotermund | Scholasticon
Conrad BergiusProf. of Theology (1634-1642) 7ReformedNDB | Rotermund
Balthasar WilliusProf. of Theology (1644-1656) 5ReformedADB | EMLO | Rotermund
Gerhard MeierProf. of Theology (1651-?) 11Reformedde | Rotermund
Johann Schild, SrProf. of Theology (1653-1667) 5ReformedRotermund
Heinrich FlockenProf. of Theology (1656-1680) 2ReformedNNBW | Rotermund
Heinrich AlersProf. of Hebrew (1668-?) 1ReformedRotermund
Matthias BootProf. of Theology (1683-1727) 0ReformedRotermund
Cornelius de HaseProf. of Theology (1683-1710) 6Reformedde | Rotermund
Franz BaringProf. of Theology (1691-1697) 2ReformedRotermund
Nicolaus GuertlerProf. of Theology (1696-1699) 45ReformedADB | Rotermund | Strieder
Hieronymus Wilhelm SchnabelProf. of Theology (1699-1702) 3ReformedRotermund
Johann Konrad KeslerProf. of Theology (1704-1710) 10Reformedn/a
Albert SchumacherProf. of Theology & Oriental Languages (1704-1743) 12ReformedRotermund | Zedler
Gottfried JüngstProf. of Theology (1707-1726) 35ReformedADB | Rotermund
Theodor HaseProf. of Theology (1708-1731) 28ReformedADB | Rotermund
Johann HavighorstProf. of Theology (1718-1732) 1ReformedRotermund
Conrad IkenProf. of Theology (1723-1753) 60Reformedde | ADB | Rotermund
Friedrich Adolph LampeProf. of Theology (1727-1729) 158Reformedde nl | NDB | Rotermund
Nicolaus NonnenProf. of Theology (1729-1749) 33ReformedRotermund
Nicolaus BarkeyProf. of Theology (1755-1788) 36ReformedRotermund
Johann Christoph BüsingProf. of Theology (1764-1766) 7ReformedDBNL | Rotermund
Franciscus KöhnenProf. of Theology (?-?) 5ReformedRotermund

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