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Groningen, Netherlands
(Est. 1612)
Faculty (48) | Disputations (51) | Related Primary Sources (22) | Websites (1)Suggest a New Source
AuthorFaculty / Appointment DatesVols.TraditionReference
Anton DeusingProf. of (?-?) 34Reformedn/a
Nicolaus Wilhelm SchroederProf. of (?-?) 2Reformedn/a
Faculty of History, Geography
Ubbo EmmiusProf. of History, Geography (1614-1625) 81Reformeden nl | DBNL
Faculty of Law
Gerhard CoccejusProf. of Law (1654-1660) 8Reformedn/a
Frederik Adolf van der MarckProf. of Law (1758-1773) 3Reformedn/a
Frederik Adolf van der MarckProf. of Law (1795-1800) 3Reformedn/a
Faculty of Medicine
Nicolaus MuleriusProf. of Medicine and Mathematics (1614-1630) 4Reformeden
Faculty of Philosophy
William MacDowellProf. of Logic (1614-1620) 19ReformedNNBW
William MacDowellProf. of Physics, Metaphysics, & Ethics (1620-1627) 19ReformedNNBW
Matthias PasorProf. of Moral Philosophy (1629-1635) 21ReformedDBNL | DNB1 | EMLO
Tobias AndreaeProf. of History & Greek (1635-1676) 15ReformedDBNL | EMLO
Matthias PasorProf. of Mathematics (1635-1645) 21ReformedDBNL | DNB1 | EMLO
Marten SchoockProf. of Logic & Physics (1640-1666) 65ReformedScholasticon
Ludwig WolzogenProf. of Practical Philosophy (1660-1663) 3ReformedADB | NNBW
Johannes BertlingProf. of Logic & Mathematics (1667-1669) 1Reformedn/a
Jacques GoussetProf. of Greek (1691-1704) 23Reformeden | Haag1
Jean-Pierre de CrousazProf. of Philosophy and Mathematics (1724-1726) 129Reformeden fr | HLS
Nicolaas TilburgProf. of Ethics, Logic, and Physics (1724-1741) 1Reformedn/a
Nicolaus EngelhardProf. of Philosophy (1728-1765) 4Reformedn/a
David FrantzenProf. of Philosophy (1742-1742) 0Reformedn/a
Dionysius van de WynpersseProf. of Physics, Logic, and Metaphysics (1752-1769) 18n/an/a
Antonius BrugmansProf. of Philosophy (1767-1771) 7ReformedDBNL
Jacob WittichProf. of Philosophy (?-?) 2ReformedDBNL
Faculty of Theology
Ubbo EmmiusProf. of Theology (1614-1625) 81Reformeden nl | DBNL
Herman RavenspergerProf. of Theology (1614-1625) 65ReformedADB | DBNL
Franciscus GomarusProf. of Theology (1618-1641) 159Reformeden nl | ADB | Bayle | DBNL
Heinrich AltingProf. of Historical Theology (1627-1644) 67Reformeden | ADB | EMLO | NNBW
Jacob AltingProf. of Hebrew (1643-1677) 97Reformeden nl | ADB | Bayle | DBNL | EMLO
Samuel MaresiusProf. of Theology (1643-1673) 188Reformeden | ADB | Scholasticon
Matthias PasorProf. of Theology (1645-1658) 21ReformedDBNL | DNB1 | EMLO
Abdias WidmarProf. of O.T. & N.T. Exegesis (1645-1668) 0ReformedNNBW
Johannes BraunProf. of Theology (1680-1708) 31ReformedDBNL
Johannes MarckiusProf. of Theology (1682-1689) 101Reformedde | NNBW
Johann Friedrich Mieg, SrProf. of Theology (1691-1691) 29ReformedADB
Paulus HulsiusProf. of Theology (1708-1712) 13ReformedNNBW
Antonius DriessenProf. of Theology (1714-1748) 114ReformedDBNL
Otho VerbruggeProf. of Theology (1717-1745) 0Reformedn/a
Albertus VogetProf. of Theology (1727-1735) 11Reformedde
Cornelius van VelzenProf. of Theology (1731-1752) 32Reformednl
Daniel GerdesProf. of Theology (1736-1765) 122Reformeden | DBNL
Michael BertlingProf. of Dogmatics (1752-1772) 1Reformedn/a
Paulus ChevallierProf. of Dogmatics, Homiletica, and Hermeneutics (1752-1796) 8Reformedn/a
Daniel GerdesProf. of Church History (1752-1765) 122Reformeden | DBNL
Ewald HollebeekProf. of Dogmatics, Exegesis, and Homiletics (1752-1762) 30ReformedDBNL
Frans Lodewijk CremerProf. of Theology (1763-1776) 4ReformedDBNL
Gerardus KuypersProf. of Theology (1765-1798) 26Reformednl
Petrus AbreschProf. of Theology (1773-1811) 8ReformedDBNL
Faculty of Theology, Church History
Herman MuntingheProf. of Theology, Church History (?-?) 7Reformedn/a

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