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Kiel, Germany
(Est. 1652)
Faculty (37) | Secondary Sources (1)Suggest a New Source
AuthorFaculty / Appointment DatesVols.TraditionReference
Theodor DassoviusProf. of Theology (1699-1714) 116Lutherande | ADB | EMLO
Johann Friedrich MayerProf. (honorary) of Theology (1688-1701) 101Lutherande | ADB | BBKL
Samuel RachelProf. of Natural & International Law (1665-1680) 74Lutherande | ADB
Christian KortholtProf. of Theology (1665-1694) 43LutheranBBKL | NDB
Daniel Georg MorhofProf. of Rhetoric & Poetry (1665-1673) 40Lutheranen de | NDB
Heinrich OpitzProf. of Greek (1675-1679) 38LutheranADB
Heinrich OpitzProf. of Oriental Languages (1679-1689) 38LutheranADB
Heinrich OpitzProf. of Theology (1689-1712) 38LutheranADB
Erich MauritiusProf. of Law (1665-?) 31Lutherande
Gotthilf Traugott ZachariaeProf. of Theology (1775-1777) 30Lutherande | ADB
Petrus MusaeusProf. of Theology (1665-1674) 28LutheranADB
Matthias WasmuthProf. of Oriental Languages (1665-1679) 17LutheranADB
Matthias WasmuthProf. of Theology (1675-1688) 17LutheranADB
Wilhelm Christian Justus ChrysanderProf. of Theology & Sacred Philology (1768-1788) 17LutheranADB
Heinrich MuhliusProf. of Greek & Oriental Languages (1691-1695) 12LutheranADB
Heinrich MuhliusProf. of Theology (1695-1733) 12LutheranADB
Philipp Friedrich HaneProf. of Church & World History (1725-1758) 8LutheranADB
Philipp Friedrich HaneProf. of Theology (1758-1769) 8LutheranADB
Michael WatsonProf. of Theology (1665-1665) 6LutheranADB | Scholasticon | Zedler
Albert FeldeProf. of Logic & Metaphysics (1709-1720) 6LutheranADB
Albert FeldeProf. of Theology (1709-1720) 6LutheranADB
Gustav Christoph HosmannProf. of Theology (1733-1766) 6Lutherann/a
Paul Friedrich OpitzProf. of Greek & Oriental Languages (1721-1725) 5LutheranZedler
Paul Friedrich OpitzProf. of Old & New Testament (1725-1745) 5LutheranZedler
Christoph FranckProf. of Logic & Metaphysics (1665-1674) 4LutheranADB
Christoph FranckProf. of New Testament (1674-1704) 4LutheranADB
Georg Joachim MarkProf. (adjunct) of Philosophy (1747-1752) 3LutheranADB
Georg Joachim MarkProf. of Theology (1758-1774) 3LutheranADB
Martin FrieseProf. of Theology (1719-1750) 2Lutherann/a
Bernhard SchultzeProf. of Law (1674-1687) 1Lutherande
Paul SperlingProf. of Biblical & Christian Antiquities (1665-1679) 0LutheranADB
Wolfgang Christoph FranckProf. of Theology (1712-1716) 0Lutherann/a
Just Friedrich ZachariäProf. (extraordinarius) of Oriental Languages of Philosophy (1735-1742) 0LutheranADB
Just Friedrich ZachariäProf. of Biblical Antiquities (1742-1747) 0LutheranADB
Just Friedrich ZachariäProf. of Theology (1747-1773) 0LutheranADB
Johann Andreas CramerProf. of Theology (1774-1788) 0LutheranNDB
Johann Wilhelm FuhrmannProf. of Old & New Testament (1779-1780) 0Lutherann/a

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