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Leiden, Netherlands
(Est. 1575)
Faculty (88) | Disputations (110) | Related Primary Sources (12) | Secondary Sources (1)Suggest a New Source
AuthorFaculty / Appointment DatesVols.TraditionReference
Franz RaphelengProf. of Hebrew (1587-1597) 5Reformeden | DBNL
Johannes CuchlinusRegent (1593-1606) 3ReformedNNBW | VGT
Gulielmus CoddaeusProf. of Hebrew (1610-?) 3n/an/a
Marcus van EsRegent (1685-1699) 0Reformedn/a
Broërius BroesProf. of Theology (1774-?) 0Reformedn/a
Everard ScheidProf. of (1793-1794) 16Reformedde fr | DBNL
Hendrik BoxhornPreacher (?-?) 5Reformedn/a
Jacob GronoviusProf. of (?-?) 18n/an/a
Faculty of Arts
Johannes van MeursProf. of Greek & History (1610-?) 5n/an/a
Pieter BurmannProf. of History, Greek, Eloquence (1715-1741) 10Reformedn/a
Faculty of Botany
Florentius SchuylProf. of Botany (1667-1669) 3Reformedn/a
Faculty of Hebrew
Constantijn L'EmpereurProf. of Hebrew (1627-1648) 17Reformedn/a
Faculty of Law
Joannes VoetProf. of Law (1680-1713) 26Reformeden nl | DBNL
Faculty of Medicine
Albert KyperProf. of Medicine (1648-1655) 9Reformedn/a
Florentius SchuylProf. of Medicine (1664-1667) 3Reformedn/a
Herman BoerhaaveProf. of Medicine (1701-?) 131Reformeden | DBNL
Faculty of Philosophy
Justus LipsiusProf. of Philosophy (1578-1591) 101Lutheran, Reformed, Roman Catholicen fr
Paullus MerulaProf. of History (1593-1607) 25ReformedDBNL
Gilbert JacchaeusProf. of Philosophy (1605-1628) 19ReformedScholasticon
Thomas ErpeniusProf. of Arabic and Oriental Languages (1613-1620) 48Reformeden nl
Caspar BarlaeusProf. of Philosophy (1617-1619) 51Arminian-Remonstranten nl | Bayle | DBNL | EMLO
Daniel SinapiusProf. of Philosophy (1619-1638) 2ReformedNNBW
Franco BurgersdijckProf. of Philosophy (1620-1635) 52Reformeden nl | EMLO | NNBW | Scholasticon
Thomas ErpeniusProf. of Hebrew (1620-1624) 48Reformeden nl
Jacob GoliusProf. of Mathematics, Arabic (1629-1667) 1Reformedn/a
Marcus Zuerius van BoxhornProf. of Rhetoric (1632-1648) 38ReformedDBNL
Franciscus Du BanProf. of Philosophy (1636-1643) 2ReformedDBNL
Adrian HeereboordProf. of Philosophy (1641-?) 63Reformeden | DBNL | Scholasticon
Adam StuartProf. of Physics & Metaphysics (1644-1654) 3Reformedn/a
Marcus Zuerius van BoxhornProf. of History & Politics (1648-1653) 38ReformedDBNL
Georgius HorniusProf. of History (1653-1670) 40Reformedde | ADB | NNBW
Johannes de RaeyProf. of Philosophy (1653-1668) 19Reformeden nl | ADB
Burchardus de VolderProf. of Philosophy (1670-1682) 16ReformedDBNL
Wolferd SenguerdiusProf. of Philosophy (1675-?) 23ReformedDBNL
Burchardus de VolderProf. of Mathematics (1682-1705) 16ReformedDBNL
Jacob WittichProf. of Mathematics (1718-1739) 2ReformedDBNL
Pieter van MusschenbroekProf. of Philosophy (1739-1761) 75Reformeden nl | DBNL
Antonius TrutiusProf. of Philosophy (?-?) 0Reformedn/a
Faculty of Theology
Caspar CoolhaesProf. of Theology (1575-?) 11Arminian-RemonstrantADB | NNBW
Lambert DaneauProf. of Theology (1581-1582) 327Reformeden | EMLO | Haag2 | HLS | Scholasticon
Johannes HolmannusProf. of Theology (1582-?) 0ReformedNNBW | VGT
Carolus GallusProf. of Theology (1587-?) 3Reformedn/a
Lucas Trelcatius, SrProf. of Theology (1587-1602) 4Reformedpt | ADB | DBNL
Franciscus JuniusProf. of Theology (1592-1602) 272Reformeden de | BBKL | DBNL | DNB2 | Haag2
Franciscus GomarusProf. of Theology (1594-1611) 159Reformeden nl | ADB | Bayle | DBNL
Jeremias BastingiusProf. of Theology (1595-1595) 10ReformedNNBW
Lucas Trelcatius, JrProf. of Theology (1602-1607) 22ReformedDBNL
Jacob ArminiusProf. of Theology (1603-1609) 183Arminian-Remonstranten nl | ADB | Bayle | DBNL
Johannes PolyanderProf. of Theology (1611-1646) 53Reformeden | ADB
Conradus VorstiusProf. of Theology (1611-1612) 181Arminian-Remonstranten | Scholasticon
Simon EpiscopiusProf. of Theology (1612-1619) 177Arminian-Remonstranten de | ADB | DBNL
Antoine Thysius, SrProf. of Theology (1619-1640) 18Reformeden de | ADB | NNBW
Antonius WalaeusProf. of Theology (1619-1639) 66Reformeden de | ADB | DBNL | Scholasticon
André RivetProf. of Theology (1620-1646) 150Reformeden fr | ADB | DBNL | Haag1
Jacobus Trigland, SrProf. of Theology (1633-1654) 177Reformeden | DBNL
Jacobus ReviusProf. of Theology (1641-1658) 83Reformeden nl | ADB | NNBW | Scholasticon
Frédéric Spanheim, SrProf. of Theology (1642-1649) 80Reformeden fr | ADB | GAMEO | HLS | Zedler
Abraham HeidanusProf. of Theology (1648-1676) 42Reformeden | ADB | Bayle | NNBW
Johannes CoccejusProf. of Theology (1650-1669) 160Reformeden nl | EMLO | NDB | NNBW | Rotermund | Scholasticon
Johannes HoornbeeckProf. of Theology (1654-1666) 226Reformednl en | ADB | DBNL | GAMEO
Johannes ValckenierProf. of Theology (1668-1670) 4Reformedn/a
Frédéric Spanheim, JrProf. of Theology (1670-1701) 192Reformeden de | ADB | Zedler
Christoph WittichProf. of Theology (1671-1687) 56Reformeden nl | ADB | Bayle | DBNL
Antonius HulsiusProf. of Theology (1676-1685) 28ReformedNNBW
Etienne Le MoineProf. of Theology (1676-1689) 8Reformedn/a
Jacques GaillardProf. of Theology (1686-1688) 10ReformedHaag2 | NNBW
Jacobus Trigland, JrProf. of Theology (1686-?) 31ReformedNNBW
Johannes MarckiusProf. of Theology (1689-1731) 101Reformedde | NNBW
Herman WitsiusProf. of Theology (1698-1708) 272Reformedde en | DBNL
Salomon Van TilProf. of Theology (1702-1713) 104ReformedDBNL
Franciscus FabriciusProf. of Theology (1705-1738) 13ReformedDBNL
Johannes WesseliusProf. of Theology (1712-1745) 34ReformedDBNL
Taco Hajo van den HonertProf. of Theology (1714-1740) 65ReformedDBNL
Albert SchultensProf. of Oriental Languages (1732-1750) 110Reformeden | DBNL | Zedler
Joan van den HonertProf. of Theology (1734-1758) 118Reformedde
Johannes AlbertiProf. of Theology (1740-1762) 3Reformeden nl | DBNL
Johannes EsgersProf. of Theology (1740-1755) 0ReformedNNBW
Bernhard De MoorProf. of Theology (1745-1780) 65ReformedNNBW
Jan Jacob SchultensProf. of Oriental Languages (1749-1778) 13Reformeden | DBNL
Ewald HollebeekProf. of Theology (1762-1796) 30ReformedDBNL
Aegidius GillissenProf. of Theology (1765-1789) 3ReformedDBNL
Carolus BoersProf. of Theology (1779-1795) 4ReformedDBNL
Jan van VoorstProf. of Theology (1799-1827) 4n/aNNBW
Carolus BoersProf. of Theology (1802-1814) 4ReformedDBNL
Petrus Couwenburg du BoisProf. of Theology (?-?) 0Reformedn/a
Gerard Johan NahuysProf. of Theology (?-?) 11Reformedn/a
Hubert SturmProf. of Theology (?-?) 6n/an/a
Cnaeus Cornelius UythageProf. of Theology (?-?) 2Reformedn/a

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