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Marburg, Germany
(Est. 1527)
Faculty (116) | Disputations (164) | Related Primary Sources (4) | Secondary Sources (2)Suggest a New Source
AuthorFaculty / Appointment DatesVols.TraditionReference
Bernhard CopProf. of Greek (1569-?) 0n/an/a
Nicolaus Wilhelm SchroederProf. of (?-?) 2Reformedn/a
Faculty of Law
Johannes EisermannProf. of Law (1527-1558) 1LutheranADB
Wigand HappelProf. of Law (1556-1572) 3LutheranZedler
Johann KornmannProf. of Law (1631-1656) 1Lutherann/a
Nicolaus PrickProf. of Law (1682-1692) 2Reformedn/a
Karl Wilhelm RobertProf. of Law (1778-1797) 1ReformedStrieder
Faculty of Logic and Metaphysics
Kaspar EbelProf. of Logic and Metaphysics (?-?) 10Lutherann/a
Faculty of Medicine (Anatomy)
Heinrich PetraeusProf. of Medicine (Anatomy) (?-?) 3n/an/a
Faculty of Philosophy
Johannes LonicerProf. of Greek (1527-1569) 42Lutherande | ADB
Gerard GeldenhauerProf. of History (1532-1534) 4Lutheranen de | NDB | VGT
Antonius NigerProf. of Physics (1533-1537) 11n/an/a
Bartholomaeus MeyerProf. of Philosophy (1549-1553) 4LutheranZedler
Heinrich OrthProf. of Physics (1549-1554) 0LutheranZedler
Nicolaus RodingProf. of Rhetoric (1549-1554) 5LutheranVGT | Zedler
Henrich VietorProf. of Logic (1561-1563) 0LutheranADB
Rudolf Goclenius, SrProf. of Philosophy (1581-?) 323Reformeden de | ADB
Otto WalperProf. of Greek (1582-1584) 7LutheranADB
Christoph CramerProf. of Greek (1593-1595) 0LutheranStrieder
Georg CrucigerProf. of Logic & Metaphysics (1605-1619) 1Reformedn/a
Kaspar FinckProf. of Physics, Metaphysics, Logic and Rhetoric (1607-1616) 43LutheranADB
Rudolph Goclenius, JrProf. of Physics (1608-1611) 41Reformedn/a
Johann CombachProf. of Physics (1610-1619) 15Reformedde | ADB | EMLO | Rotermund | Scholasticon
Johann Heinrich TonsorProf. of Physics (1625-1632) 3Lutherande | ADB
Meno HannekenProf. of Ethics (1626-1627) 13LutheranADB
Johann KornmannProf. of Ethics and Politics (1627-1631) 1Lutherann/a
Peter HaberkornProf. of Physics (1632-1633) 32Lutherande | NDB
Heinrich DuisingProf. of Greek (1656-1661) 3ReformedADB
Cyriacus LentulusProf. of Practical Philosophy (1656-1678) 30Reformedn/a
Heinrich DuisingProf. of Ethics (1661-1670) 3ReformedADB
Nicolaus PrickProf. of Politics (1668-1670) 2Reformedn/a
Nicolaus PrickProf. of Ethics (1670-1682) 2Reformedn/a
Samuel AndreäProf. of Rhetoric & History (1674-1683) 43Reformedde | ADB
Maximilian PercelliProf. of Philosophy (1677-1684) 3Reformedn/a
Georg OthoProf. of Philosophy (1678-1713) 18Reformedde | ADB
Johann Georg BrandProf. of Mathematics (1682-1687) 5ReformedADB | Strieder
Maximilian PercelliProf. of Eloquence and History (1684-1703) 3Reformedn/a
Maximilian PercelliProf. of Church History (1684-1694) 3Reformedn/a
Johann Georg BrandProf. of Logic & Metaphysics (1687-1703) 5ReformedADB | Strieder
Ludwig Christian MiegProf. of Church History (1694-1699) 24ReformedADB
Johann Heinrich Hottinger, IIIProf. of Jewish Antiquities (1704-1710) 15ReformedHLS | NDB
Johann Siegmund KirchmeierProf. of Logic & Metaphysics (1704-1710) 7ReformedADB
Johann TilemannProf. of Ethics & Politics (1720-1747) 4ReformedStrieder
Franz Ulrich RiesProf. of Philosophy (1721-1735) 3ReformedStrieder
Johann Adolph HartmannProf. of History & Rhetoric (1722-1744) 87ReformedADB | Strieder
Heinrich Otto DuysingProf. of Rhetoric & History (1744-1750) 2ReformedStrieder
Johann Franz CoingProf. of Logic & Metaphysics (1752-1753) 1ReformedADB | Strieder
Johann Franz CoingProf. of Natural Law & Ethics (1753-1777) 1ReformedADB | Strieder
Johann DuisingProf. of Logic & Metaphysics (?-?) 1Reformedn/a
Wilhelm Adolf ScriboniusProf. of Philosophy (?-1581) 79Lutherande | ADB
Faculty of Physica
Johann Conrad SchragmullerProf. of Physica (1633-?) 8Lutherann/a
Faculty of Physics
Johannes MagirusProf. of Physics (1591-?) 26n/an/a
Johannes Pincier, JrProf. of Physics (1619-1624) 10ReformedADB
Faculty of Theology
Adam KrafftProf. of Theology (1527-1558) 19Lutherande | NDB
Franz LambertProf. of Theology (1527-1530) 131Reformeden | Bayle
Erhard SchnepffProf. of Theology (1528-1532) 9Lutheranen de | NDB | VGT
Johannes DraconitesProf. of Theology (1534-1547) 134Lutherande | NDB | VGT
Gerard GeldenhauerProf. of New Testament (1534-1542) 4Lutheranen de | NDB | VGT
Johannes LonicerProf. of Hebrew (1536-1545) 42Lutherande | ADB
Andreas HyperiusProf. of Theology (1541-1564) 132Reformeden de | NDB | VGT
Theobald ThamerProf. of Theology (1543-1549) 13Lutheran, Roman CatholicADB
Wigand HappelProf. of Hebrew (1545-1559) 3LutheranZedler
Bartholomaeus MeyerProf. of Theology (1554-1559) 4LutheranZedler
Jean GarnierProf. of Theology (1560-1562) 9ReformedHaag2
Wigand OrthProf. of Hebrew (1560-1566) 1ReformedADB | VGT
Henrich VietorProf. of Theology (1563-1576) 0LutheranADB
Johann von WaltmannshausenProf. of Theology (1563-1570) 0LutheranZedler
Heinrich OrthProf. of Theology (1566-1575) 0LutheranZedler
Daniel ArculariusProf. of Theology (1570-1596) 15LutheranZedler
Justus VulteiusProf. of Hebrew (1572-1575) 2LutheranADB
Georg SohnProf. of Theology & Hebrew (1574-1584) 51ReformedADB | VGT
Aegidius HunniusProf. of Theology (1576-1591) 402Lutheranen de | NDB | VGT
Nicolaus RodingProf. of Theology (1576-1580) 5LutheranVGT | Zedler
Conrad AndreaeProf. of Theology (1580-1582) 0Lutherann/a
Otto WalperProf. of Hebrew (1585-1593) 7LutheranADB
Johannes WinckelmannProf. of Theology (1592-1605) 35LutheranADB
Johann Molther, SrProf. of Hebrew (1594-1599) 8ReformedZedler
Christoph CramerProf. of Theology (1595-1595) 0LutheranStrieder
Balthasar Mentzer, IProf. of Theology (1596-1605) 130Lutherande | NDB
Johannes SchollProf. of Hebrew (1600-1605) 3Reformedn/a
Johann Molther, SrProf. of Hebrew (1605-1618) 8ReformedZedler
Caspar SturmProf. of Theology (1605-1624) 2LutheranZedler
Raphael EglinusProf. of Theology (1606-1622) 51ReformedADB
Gregor SchönfeldProf. of Theology (1606-1618) 9ReformedADB
Johannes CrociusProf. of Theology (1618-1624) 46Reformedde | NDB
Georg CrucigerProf. of Hebrew (1620-1624) 1Reformedn/a
Balthasar Mentzer, IProf. of Theology (1624-1627) 130Lutherande | NDB
Justus FeuerbornProf. of Theology (1625-1650) 61Lutherande | ADB | NDB
Johannes SteuberProf. of Theology & Hebrew (1625-1643) 5Lutherande
Meno HannekenProf. of Old Testament & Hebrew (1627-1646) 13LutheranADB
Johann Heinrich TonsorProf. of Theology (1632-1649) 3Lutherande | ADB
Balthasar Mentzer, IIProf. of Theology (1640-1646) 3Lutherande | NDB
Johannes CrociusProf. of Theology (1653-?) 46Reformedde | NDB
Sebastian CurtiusProf. of Theology (1653-1684) 4ReformedStrieder
Johann Georg CrociusProf. of Theology (1657-1674) 0ReformedStrieder
Johann HeinProf. of Theology (1661-1686) 0ReformedZedler
Heinrich DuisingProf. of Theology (1670-1691) 3ReformedADB
Reinhold PauliProf. of Theology (1674-1682) 6ReformedZedler
Samuel AndreäProf. of Theology (1676-1699) 43Reformedde | ADB
Philipp Johann TilemannProf. of Theology (1685-1708) 3Reformedde | ADB | Rotermund | Strieder
Thomas GautierProf. of Theology (1687-1709) 2ReformedADB | Haag1
Johann Lorenz CrollProf. of Theology (1693-1709) 2ReformedADB
Ludwig Christian MiegProf. of Theology (1699-1706) 24ReformedADB
Bernhard DuisingProf. of Theology (1706-1735) 0ReformedStrieder
Johann Heinrich Hottinger, IIIProf. of Theology (1710-1717) 15ReformedHLS | NDB
Johann Siegmund KirchmeierProf. of Theology (1710-1749) 7ReformedADB
Johann Heinrich SchrammProf. of Theology (1721-1723) 6Reformedde | ADB
Johann Christian KirchmayerProf. of Theology (1724-1743) 15Reformedde | ADB
Franz Ulrich RiesProf. of Theology (1735-1755) 3ReformedStrieder
Johann Wilhelm KrafftProf. of Theology (1746-1767) 0ReformedADB
Heinrich Otto DuysingProf. of Theology (1750-1781) 2ReformedStrieder
Daniel WyttenbachProf. of Theology (1756-1779) 8ReformedADB | Strieder
Karl Wilhelm RobertProf. of Theology (1766-1778) 1ReformedStrieder
Johann Franz CoingProf. of Theology (1778-1792) 1ReformedADB | Strieder
Johann Jakob PfeifferProf. of Theology (1779-1791) 0Reformedde | Strieder
Samuel EndemannProf. of Theology (1782-1789) 9ReformedADB

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