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« Robert Abbot (c.1588-c.1663)
Gerardus van Aalst (1752-1816) »
George Abbott (1604-1649)
TraditionReformedReferenceen | DNB2Academic Titlen/a
Primary Sources (6 titles, 8 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Theology (6) | Other (2)
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Brief notes upon the whole book of Psalms put forth for the help of such who desire to exercise themselves in them and cannot understand without a guide : being a pithie and clear opening of the scope and meaning of the text to the capacitie of the weakest (London : William Bentley and are to be sold by John Williams ... and Francis Eglesfield ..., 1651)
Vindiciae Sabbathi; or, an answer to two treatises of Master Broads. The one, Concerning the Sabbath or seaventh Day. The other, Concerning the Lords-day or first of the weeke. With a survey of all the rest which of late have written upon that subject (T. D. for H. Overton)
Vol. 1 (1641)
Vol. 2 (1641) GB 
VindiciƦ sabbathi, or, An answer to two treatises of Master Broads the one, concerning the Sabbath or seaventh day, the other, concerning the Lord's-day or first of the weeke : with a survey of all the rest which of late have written upon that subject (London : I.D. for Henry Overton and are to be sold at his shop ..., 1641)
The whole booke of Iob paraphrased or, made easie for any to understand. By George Abbott. (London : Edward Griffin for Henry Overton, and are to be sold at his shop at the entrance into Popes-head-alley, out of Lumbard-street, 1640)
The Whole Booke of Job paraphrased, or, Made easie for any to understand (London : Edward Griffin, 1640)

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“Abbot”BFL | BNF | BNP | BSB | BUCM | BVA | BVMC | dilibri | e-corpus | e-rara | FDUS | GB | HAB | IA | JALB | LMU | RERO | SBB | SLUB | UdS | ULBD | ULBH | ULBM | USC | UU
“George Abbott”BFL | BNF | BNP | BSB | BUCM | BVA | BVMC | dilibri | e-corpus | e-rara | FDUS | GB | HAB | IA | JALB | LMU | RERO | SBB | SLUB | UdS | ULBD | ULBH | ULBM | USC | UU
“George Abbot”BFL | BNF | BNP | BSB | BUCM | BVA | BVMC | dilibri | e-corpus | e-rara | FDUS | GB | HAB | IA | JALB | LMU | RERO | SBB | SLUB | UdS | ULBD | ULBH | ULBM | USC | UU
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