Share:  Opera (4) | Theology (15) |
The autumne part from the twelfth Sundy [sic] after Trinitie, to the last in the whole yeere dedicated vnto the much honoured and most worthy Doctor Iohn Overal ... ( London : Melchisedech Bradvvood for William Aspley, 1613) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
An exposition of al the principal Scriptures vsed in our English liturgie together with a reason why the church did chuse the same ( At London : ImFelix Kyngston, and are to be sold by William Aspley, at the signe of the Parot in Pauls Churchyard, 1610) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
An exposition of the dominical epistles and gospels used in our English liturgie throughout the whole yeare together with a reason why the church did chuse the same ( At London : Felix Kyngston for William Aspley, 1610) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
An exposition of the festiuall epistles and gospels vsed in our English liturgie together with a reason why the church did chuse the same ( London : Eduuard Griffin for William Aspley, 1615) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
An exposition of the last psalme delivered in a sermon preached at Pauls Crosse the fifth of Nouember, 1613. By Iohn Boys, Doctor of Diuinitie. ( At London : ImFelix Kyngston, for VVilliam Aspley, 1613) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
An exposition of the several offices : adapted for various occasions of public worship : together with the Epistles and Gospels for each Sunday and festival of the Ecclesiastical year : compiled from the works of John Boys : with an analysis of the lessons ( New York : Stanford and Swords, 1851) | IA |  |   |
An exposition of the several offices adapted for various occasions of public worships ... ( 1851) | GB |  |   |
An exposition of the several offices, adapted for the various occasions of public worship together with the Epistles and Gospels for each Sunday and festival of the Ecclesiastical year | |
New York : Stanford and Swords, 1851 | IA |  |   |
Philadelphia : King & Baird | |
Vol. 1 (1850) | IA |  |   |
Vol. 2 (1850) | IA |  |   |
Der fünffte Theil Ist eine Erklärung aller gewöhnlichen Fest- und Apostel-Tags-Episteln und Evangelien durchs gantze Jahr / [Johann Boys] ( Braunschweig : Christoph Friedrich Zilliger, 1683) | HAB |  |   |
Johann Boys SS. Theol. Doct. und Decan. Zu Canterburie Schrifft-Latern : Angezündet und vorgetragen Bey Erklärung Unterschiedlicher sonderbahrer Text, Als Noch mitgehörige zu seinen Schrifften Wie sie anfangs zu Londen in Englischer Sprache in folio zusammen gedrucket Davon der erste Theil über die Episteln und Evangelien so in fünff absonderliche kleine Theile verfasset in Teutscher Sprache Anno 1683. vorher gangen Jetzo aber folget der ander und Letzte Theil. Welcher zu jedermans sonderbahrem Nutzen ebenfals ins Teutsche übersetzet ( Braunschweig : Christoph Friedrich Zilliger, 1685) | HAB |  |   |
Official calendar of the church, containing an exposition of the several offices, adapted for various occasions of public worship, together with the epistles and gospels for each Sabbath and festival of the ecclesiastical year: with an analysis of the lessons (King & Baird, 1849) | GB |  |   |
Remaines of that reverend and famous postiller, Iohn Boys, Doctor in Divinitie, and late Deane of Canterburie. Containing sundry sermons; partly, on some proper lessons vsed in our English liturgie: and partly, on other select portions of holy Scripture. ( London : Aug: Math[ewes] : for Humphrey Robinson and are to bee solde at the three Pidgeons in Paules Church-yard, 1631) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
The third part from S. Iohn Baptists nativitie to the last holy-day in the whole yeere dedicated vnto the right religious and resolute doctor, Mattheuu Sutcliffe, Deane of Exeter ( At London : ImVVilliam Aspley, 1615) | EEBO-TCP | |   |