Share:  | | An account from the children of light (to them that askes) in several particulars why we have been kept from joyning to or worshipping in those formes at law and formes of worships that have been imposed upon us against our consciences in these late years for denying whereof we have so deeply suffered with our lives, liberties, and estates : also what we owne as to those things and can be obedient to for conscience sake, according to truth and the practise of the church of Christ and the Scriptures. ( London : Thomas Simmons, 1660) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
A collection of sundry books, epistles and papers | | Cincinnati : B. C. Stanton, 1829 | IA |  |   |
A collection of sundry books, epistles and papers written by James Nayler: with an impartial relation of the most remarkable transactions relating to his life (B.C. Stanton, 1829) | GB |  |   |
A collection of sundry books, epistles, and papers written by James Nayler, some of which were never before printed : with an impartial relation of the most remarkable transactions relating to his life ( London : assigns of J. Sowle, 1716) | IA |  |   |
Liefde tot de verloorene: ende een handt uyt-gestreckt tot de hulpeloose, om uyt het duyster te leyden. Waer in klaerlijck vertoont zijn verscheyde bysondere dingen, gelijck sy van Christo geleert zijn... ( 1669) | GB |  |   |
Melk voor kinderkens; ende spijse voor de starcke. Eene maeltijt van vettigheyt, ende wijn die wel gesuyvert is, op de heffe ... (Christoffel Cunradus, 1673) | GB |  |   |
Milk for babes: and meat for strong men. A feast of fat things; wine well refined on the lees. O come young men and maidens, old men and babes, and drink abundantly of the streams that run from the fountain, that you may feel a well-spring of living water in yourselves, springing up to eternal life; that as he lives (even Christ Jesus) from whence all the springs do come, so you may live also, and partake of his glory that is ascended at the right hand of the Father, far above principalities and powers. Being the breathings of the Spirit through his servant James Naylor, written by him in the time of the confinement of his outward man in prison, but not published till now. ( London : Robert Wilson, at the sign of the black-spread-Eagle and Wind-Mill in Martins l'Grand, 1661) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
A psalm of thanksgiving to God for his mercies, by James Naylor, published by him after his fall, 1659. ( 1659) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
The secret shooting of the wicked, reproved:or, A word to the namelesse publisher of that he calls strength in weaknesse, or the burning bush. ( London, 1655) | EEBO-TCP | |   |