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George Carleton (c.1557-1628)
TraditionAnglican, ReformedReferenceen | EMLOAcademic Titlen/a
Primary Sources (15 titles, 16 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Astrologomania: the madnesse of astrologers. Or An examination of Sir Christopher Heydons booke, intituled A defence of iudiciarie astrologie. Written neere vpon twenty yeares ago, by G.C. And by permission of the author set forth for the vse of such as might happily be misled by the Knights booke. Published by T.V. B. of D. ([London] : W. Iaggard, for W. Turner of Oxford, 1624)
Bp Carletons testimonie concerning the Presbyterian discipline in the Low-Countries, and Episcopall government here in England.:VVherein is briefly discovered the novelty of the one, and antiquity of the other; with a short taste of the inconveniences that attend the new plat-forme, where that is set up in the roome of the old primitive government. Published for the common good. (London : Printed for Nath : Butter, 1642)
Consensus ecclesiae catholicae contra Tridentinos
Francofurti : Ruland, 1613GB 
An examination of those things wherein the author of the late Appeale holdeth the doctrines of the Pelagians and Arminians, to be the doctrines of the Church of England written by George Carleton ... (London : William Turner, 1626)
An Examination of Those Things Wherein the Author of the Late Appeale Holdeth the Doctrines of the Pelagians and Arminians, to be the Doctrines of the Church of England. Wherevnto Also There is Annexed A Joynt Attestation, Avowing that the Discipline of the Church of England was Not Impeached by ..., 2nd ed. (London : William Turner, 1626)
Iurisdiction regall, episcopall, papall. Wherein is declared how the Pope hath intruded vpon the iurisdiction of temporall princes, and of the Church. The intrusion is discouered, and the peculiar and distinct iurisdiction to each properly belonging, recouered. Written by George Carleton. (Londini : [William Stansby] impensis Iohannis Norton, 1610)
Iurisdiction, regall, episcopall, papall : wherein is declared how the pope hath intruded upon the iurisdiction of temporall princes, and of the church ... (London : Impensis Iohannis Norton, 1610)
The life of Bernard Gilpin a man most holy and renowned among the northerne English. Faithfully written by the Right Reverend Father in God George Carleton Lord Bishop of Chichester, and published for the sake of his common auditors, by whom it was long since earnestly desired. (London : William Iones, dwelling in Red-crosse-street, 1629)
Oratio R. Episcopi Landavensis. Habita in consessu Ordinum Generalium, quinto novembris anno 1618. Stylo novo (1618)
An oration made at the Hage, before the Prince of Orenge and the assembly of the high and mighty lords, the States Generall of the Vnited Prouinces: by the reuerend father in God, the Lord Bishop of Landaff, one of the commissioners sent by the Kings most excellent Maiesty to the Synod of Dort. (London : G. P[urslowe] for Ralph Rounthwait, and are to sold [sic] at his shop in Pauls Church-yard, at the signe of the Flower-deluce and Crowne, 1619)
A thankfull remembrance of Gods mercie. In an historical collection of the great and mercifull deliuerances of the church and state of England, since the gospell beganne here to flourish, from the beginning of Queene Elizabeth (London : A. Math[ews] for R. Mylbourne and H. Robinson, 1630)
A thankfull remembrance of Gods mercy. In an historicall collection of the great and mercifull deliverances of the Church and state of England, since the Gospell began here to flourish, from the beginning of Queene Elizabeth. Collected by Geo: Carleton, Doctor of Divinitie, and Bishop of Chichester. (London : I[ohn] D[awson] for Robert Mylbourne, and Humphrey Robinson, and are to be sold at the great south doore of Pauls, 1624)
A thankfvll remembrance of Gods mercy. In an historicall collection of the great and mercifull deliverances of the Church and State of England, since the Gospel beganne here to flourish, from the beginning of Queene Elizabeth (London : M. Flesher for R. Mylbourne and H. Robinson at the Signe of the three pigeons in Pauls churchyard, 1627)
Tithes examined and proued to bee due to the clergie by a diuine right. VVhereby the contentious and prophane atheists, as also the dissembling hypocrites of this age, may learne to honour the ministers and not to defraude them, and to rob the Church. The contents heereof is set downe in the page next following. Written by George Carleton Batchelour in Diuinitie. (London : T. Este, for Clement Knight dwelling in Paules Church-yard at the signe of the Holy Lambe, 1606)
A true and genuine history of the two last wars against France and Spain : in which the genius, weakness, pride and barbarity of the latter, during the author's being prisoner of war amongst them, are particularly remarked, for the service of those who are employed in the present war between Great Britain and that nation ... (London : Francis Gosling..., 1741)

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