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« James Cranford (c.1602-1657)
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Thomas Cranmer (1489-1556)
TraditionAnglican, ReformedReferenceen | DNB1 | EMLOAcademic Titlen/a
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All the submyssyons, and recantations of Thomas Cranmer, late Archebyshop of Canterburye truely set forth both in Latyn and Englysh, agreable to the originalles, wrytten and subscribed with his owne hande. Visum [et] examinatum per reuerendum patrem [et] dominum, dominum edmundum episcopum London. Anno, M.D.LVI. (Excusum Londini : [In ædibus Iohannis Cawodi Typographi Regiæ Maiestatis], Anno, 1556)
Artickel, deren sich die Bischoff und Gleerten des Künigreychs Engelland in einem Synodo, im Jar des Herrn M. D. LII. zuo Londen gehalten, vereiniget habend, auch die, damit Zwitracht und Irrthumm abgethon, Frid und Einigkeit in waren Glauben und Gottsdienst gepflantzet unnd gevestnet wurde / auss Befelch K. M. offentlich im Truck aussgon lassen ; [aus dem Lat. übers. von Johannes Wolf] (Zürych : Andrea Gessner dem Jüngeren, 1553)
An aunsvvere by the Reuerend Father in God Thomas Archbyshop of Canterbury, primate of all England and metropolitane, vnto a craftie and sophisticall cauillation, deuised by Stephen Gardiner Doctour of Law, late Byshop of Winchester agaynst the true and godly doctrine of the most holy sacrament, of the body and bloud of our sauiour Iesu Christ. Wherein is also, as occasion serueth, aunswered such places of the booke of Doct. Richard Smith, as may seeme any thyng worthy the aunsweryng. Here is also the true copy of the booke written, and in open court deliuered, by D. Stephen Gardiner ... (At London : Iohn Daye, dwellyng ouer Aldersgate beneath S. Martines, 1580)
The booke of the common praier and administracion of the sacramentes : and other rites and ceremonies of the Churche : after the use of the Churche of Englande (Londini : In officina Richardi Graftoni, Regii impressoris, 1549)
The booke of the common prayer and administracion of the sacramentes : and other rites and ceremonies of the Churche : after the vse of the Churche of England (Londini : In officina Edouardi Whitechurche, 1549)
Catechismus brevis christianae disciplinae summam continens, omnibus ludimagistris authoritate Regia commendatus : huic catechismo adiuncti sunt articuli, de quibus in ultima Synodo Londinensi, anno Domini 1552 ad tollendam opinionum dissensionem & consensum vere religionis firmandum, inter Episcopos & alios eruditos atque pios viros convenerat regia similiter authoritate promulgati (Tiguri : apud Andream Gessnerum F., 1553)
Catechismus, that is to say, a shorte instruction into Christian religion for the synguler commoditie and profyte of childre[n] and yong people. Set forth by the mooste reuerende father in God Thomas Archbyshop of Canterbury, primate of all England and Metropolitane. (Imprynted at London : In S. Jhones strete by Nycolas Hyll. for] Gwalter Lynne, [dwellyng on Somers kaye by Byllynges gate], 1548)
A confutatio[n] of vnwritte[n] verities both bi the holye scriptures and moste auncient autors, and also probable arguments, and pithy reasons, with plaine aunswers to al (or at the least) to the moste part and strongest argumentes, which the aduersaries of gods truth, either haue, or can bryng forth for the profe and defence of the same vnwritten vanities, verities as they would haue them called: made up by Thomas Cranmer ... translated and set forth, by E.P. The contentes whereof, thou shalte find in the next side folowinge. (Wesel? : J. Lambrecht?, 1556)
The copy of certain lettres sent to the Quene, and also to doctour Martin and doctour Storye, by the most reuerende father in God, Thomas Cranmer Archebishop of Cantorburye from prison in Oxeforde: who (after long and most greuous strayt emprisoning and cruell handlyng) most constauntly and willingly suffred martirdome ther, for the true testimonie of Christ, in Marche. 1556. (Emden : Egidius van der Erve, 1556)
A Defence of the true and Catholick doctrine of the Sacrament of the body and blood of our Saviour Christ : with a confutation of Sundry errors concerning the same (London : Sold by C. and J. Rivington [etc.], 1825)
A defence of the true and catholike doctrine of the sacrament of the body and bloud of our sauiour Christ : with a confutation of sundry errors concernyng the same, grounded and stablished upon Godes holy woorde & approved by ye consent of the moste auncient doctors of the churche ([London] : Reynold Wolfe, 1550)
A defence of the true and catholike doctrine of the sacrament of the body and bloud of our sauiour Christ with a confutacion of sundry errors concernyng the same, grounded and stablished vpon Goddes holy woorde, [and] approued by ye consent of the moste auncient doctors of the Churche. Made by the moste reuerende father in God Thomas Archebyshop of Canterbury, primate of all Englande and Metropolitane. (London : In Poules churcheyarde, at the signe of the Brasen serpent, by Reginald Wolfe. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum, 1550)
Defensio ... verae doctrinae de Sacramento corporis et Sanguinis Christi (Londinum, 1553)
Defensio verae doctrinae de Sacramento Corporis et Sanguinis Christi
Embda, 1557BSB 
Defensio verae et catholicae doctrinae de sacramento corporis & sanguinis Christi seruatoris nostri : et quorundam in hac causa errorum confutatio, uerbo sanctissimo Domini nixa atq[ue] fundata, & consensu antiquissimorum Ecclesiæ scriptorum firmata, à reuerendiss. in Christo patre ac domino D. Thoma Cranmero ... scripta ([London], 1553)
The judgment of Archbishop Cranmer concerning the peoples right to, and discreet use of the H. Scriptures (London : John Taylor ..., 1689)
Miscellaneous writings and letters of Thomas Cranmer (Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1846)
Die Ordnung der Heiligen Communion bey des Herrn Nachtmal wie solches noch zur zeit in den Englendischen Kirchen gehalten wird
Dolgen, 1548GB 
Vol. 2 (1548) BSB 
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