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John Dury (1596-1680)
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A Case of Conscience Resolved: Concerning Ministers Medling with State-matters in Their Sermons : and how Far They are Obliged by the Covenant to Interpose in the Affairs of Civil Government (London : R[obert]. L[eybourne], 1649)
Concordiae Inter Evangelicos quaerendae Consilia (1654)
Considerations concerning the present engagement, whether it may lawfully be entered into; Yea or no? By J. D., 4th ed. (London, 1650)
Copie d'une lettre escrite à un prince de l'empire, ou briève information du commencement du progrès & de l'estat présent de la negotiation de Jean Dureus avec les eglises protestantes ([Zürich], 1662)
The copy of a letter written to Mr. Alexander Hinderson (London, 1643)
De pace inter euangelicos procuranda sententiae quatuor: quarum tres a Reuerendis Dominis Episcopis Tho. Dunelmensi, Io. Sarisburiensi, Ios. Exoniensi ... (G.M. pro Gualtero Hammond [et] prostant venales Bernardum Langferd juxta pontem Helborne sub signo Biblij, 1638)
De pacis ecclesiasticae rationibus inter Evangelicos usurpandis: et de theologorum fondamentali consensu in colloquio Lipsiensi inito, trium in Ecclesia Anglicana venerabilium Episcoporum, Dn. Johannis Davenantii ... Dn. Thomae Mortoni ... Dn. Josephi Halli ... Sententiae Johanni Duraeo ab ipsis ... (s. t., 1635) / added author(s): John Davenant, Thomas Morton, Joseph Hall
A demonstration of the necessity of settling some Gospel-government amongst the churches of Christ in this nation held forth in an answer to a querie whereby Mr. Saltmarch did once endeavour to hinder the settlement of all church-government in the nation : written in the year 1646, and now published for the present use of these times, wherein it may be seasonable to be taken into consideration for the preventing of further confusion and disorder amongst the professors of the Gospell (London : Richard Wodnothe, 1654)
Informatio De Iis, Quae In Studio Ecclesiasticae Concordiae, inter Evangelicos prosequendo agitare instituit Joannes Duraeus; erga Ecclesiarum Danicarum Theologos: oblata Illorum cognitioni, qui sua interesse putabant veras rerum in hoc negotio tractatarum circumstantias intelligere (Willius, 1639)
Irenicorum Tractatuum Prodromus
Amstelodamum, 1662BSB 
Jo. Duraei et Jo. Melleti in concordia ecclesiastica inter protestantes ecclesias sollicitanda atque promovenda hucusque synergunton propemticum irenicum
Francofurtum ad Moenum, 1662BSB 
Just re-proposals to humble proposals. Or An impartiall consideration of, and answer unto, the humble proposals, which are printed in the name of sundry learned and pious divines, concerning the Engagement which the Parliament hath ordered to be taken. Shewing, how farre those proposals are agreeable to reason, to Christianity and to policie. How the proposers thereof may receive satisfaction therein, in all these respects. Hereunto are added, The humble proposals themselves; because they are not currantly to be found. Written by John Dury. January 7. 1650. Imprimatur, Joseph Caryl. (London : J.C. for Richard Wodenothe, at the Starre under St. Peters Church in Cornhill, 1650)
Lettre du sieur Jean Dury touchant l'estat présent de la religion en Angleterre, Escosse et Irlande: avec celles du docteur Jean Owen, et d'autres, qui traittent de l'indépendance des Eglises, et de la jurisdiction prétendue ecclésiastique (R. Daniel, pour Samuel Thomson, 1658)
A motion tending to the publick good of this age and of posteritie, or, The coppies of certain letters written by Mr. John Dury to a worthy Knight at his earnest desire shewing briefly vvhat a publik good is and how by the best means of reformation in learning and religion it may be advanced to some perfection (London : P.L. for Michael Sparke, Senior ..., 1642)
Motives to induce the Protestant princes to mind the worke of peace ecclesiaticall amongst themselves [by J. Dury]. (London : William Hope, 1641)
Rayons de L'Esprit de Grace Donnant Conseil, Lumiere, vie & consolation a l'ame fidele / [Iean Dure] (1676)
The reformed librarie-keeper with a supplement to The reformed-school, as subordinate to colleges in universities (London : William Du-Gard, and are to bee [sic] sold by Rob. Littleberrie ..., 1650)
The reformed school by John Dury. (London : R.D. for Richard Wodnothe ..., 1649)
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