Please help edit and categorize these titles with the edit icon on the right. Thank you! | Share:  | | Antapologia, or, A full answer to the Apologeticall narration of Mr. Goodwin, Mr. Nye, Mr. Sympson, Mr. Burroughs, Mr. Bridge, members of the Assembly of Divines wherein is handled many of the controversies of these times, viz. ... : humbly also submitted to the honourable Houses of Parliament ( London : G.M. for Ralph Smith ..., 1644) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
The casting down of the last and strongest hold of Satan. Or, A treatise against toleration and pretended liberty of conscience:: wherein by Scripture, sound reason, fathers, schoolmen, casuists, Protestant divines of all nations, confessions of faith of the Reformed Churches, ecclesiastical histories, and constant practice of the most pious and wisest emperours, princes, states, the best writers of politicks, the experience of all ages; yea, by divers principles, testimonies and proceedings of sectaries themselves, as Donatists, Anabaptists, Brownists, Independents, the unlawfulnesse and mischeif [sic] in Christian commonwealths and kingdoms both of a vniversal toleration of all religions and consciences, and of a limited and bounded of some sects only, are clearly proved and demonstrated, with all the materiall grounds and reasons brought for such tolerations fully answered. ( London : T.R. and E.M. for George Calvert, and are to be sold at the golden Fleece in the Old-Change, 1647) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
The first and second part of Gangraena, or, A catalogue and discovery of many of the errors, heresies, blasphemies and pernicious practices of the sectaries of this time, vented and acted in England in these four last years : also a particular narration of divers stories, remarkable passages, letters; an extract of many letters, all concerning the present sects; together with some observations upon, and corollaries from all the fore-named premisses ( London : T.R. and E.M. for Ralph Smith, 1646) | IA |  |   |
The first and second part of Gangræna, or, A catalogue and discovery of many of the errors, heresies, blasphemies and pernicious practices of the sectaries of this time, vented and acted in England in these four last years also a particular narration of divers stories, remarkable passages, letters : an extract of many letters, all concerning the present sects : together with some observations upon and corollaries from all the fore-named premisses ( London : T.R. and E.M. for Ralph Smith ..., 1646) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
Gangraena : or A catalogue and discovery of many of the errours, heresies, blasphemies and pernicious practices of the sectaries of this time .. ( London : Ralph Smith, 1646) | IA |  |   |
Reasons against the independant government of particular Congregations: as also against the toleration of churches to be erested in this Kyngdome... ( London : R.Cotes, 1641) | GB |  |   |
Reasons against the independant government of particular congregations::as also against the toleration of such churches to be erected in this kingdome. Together with an answer to such reasons as are commonly alledged for such a toleration. Presented in all humility to the Honourable House of Commons, now assembled in Parliament. By Tho. Edvvards, minister of the Gospel. ( London : Richard Cotes for Jo. Bellamie, & Ralph Smith, dwelling at the signe of the three Golden Lions, in Corne-hill neere the Royall Exchange, 1641) | EEBO-TCP | |   |
The third part of Gangræna. Or, A new and higher discovery of the errors, heresies, blasphemies, and insolent proceedings of the sectaries of these times;: with some animadversions by way of confutation upon many of the errors and heresies named. ... Briefe animadversions on many of the sectaries late pamphlets, as Lilburnes and Overtons books against the House of Peeres, M. Peters his last report of the English warres, The Lord Mayors farewell from his office of maioralty, M. Goodwins thirty eight queres upon the ordinance against heresies and blasphemies, M. Burtons Conformities deformity, M. Dells sermon before the House of Commons; ... As also some few hints and briefe observations on divers pamphlets written lately against me and some of my books, ... ( London : Ralph Smith, at the Bible in Cornehill, 1646) | EEBO-TCP | |   |