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« Laurens Neesen (1611-1679)
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Robert Nelson (1656-1715)
TraditionAnglicanReference | DNB1Academic Titlen/a
Primary Sources (15 titles, 17 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Theology (16) | Other (1)
Results 1-16
A companion for the feastivals [sic] and fasts of the Church of England [by R. Nelson]., 21th ed. (1757)
A companion for the festivals and fasts of the Church of England (London : SPCK, 1841)
A companion for the festivals and fasts of the Church of England; with collects and prayers for each solemnity (Oxford : J. Vincent for Thomas Tegg, 1843)
The great duty of frequenting the Christian sacrifice : and the nature of the preparation required : with suitable devotions, partly collected from the ancient liturgies, to which are prefixed instructions for confirmation (New-York : T. & J. Swords, 1811)
The great duty of frequenting the Christian sacrifice, and the nature of the preparation required. To which is prefixed Instructions for confirmation, ed. William Bentinck L. Hawkins (James Burns, 1841)
The life of ... George Bull ... bishop of St. David's, 2nd ed. (1714)
The life of Dr. George Bull, late Lord Bishop of St. David's : with the history of those controversies in which he was engaged ... (London : R. Smith, 1713)
The life of Dr. George Bull, Lord Bishop of St. David's : with the history of those controversies in which he was engaged ; and an abstract of those fundamental doctrines which he maintained and defended in the Latin tongue (Oxford : W. Baxter for J. Parker, and Law and Whittaker, and Ogles, Duncan, and Cochran, 1816)
Life of George Bull D.D. Sometime Lord Bishop of St. David's (John Henry Parker, 1840)
The practice of true devotion, in relation to the end, as well as the means of religion; with an office for the Holy Communion (London : Dod, 1764)
The practice of true devotion: in relation to the end, as well as the means of religion; with an office for the holy communion ..., 5th ed. (J. Downing, 1721)
A review and analyisis of bishop Bull's exposition of the doctrine of justification, by R. Nelson (1827)
Robert Nelsons erbaulicher Unterricht von den Fest- und Fast-Tagen : in welchem nach der Richtschnur göttlichen Worts und Vorschrifft der ersten Christlichen Kirche, durch Frag und Antwort, gezeiget wird, wie solche Tage ... andächtig zu feyren seyn / Aus dem Engeländischen ins Hochdeutsche übersetzet und mit einer Vorrede ... vermehret von Hinrich Ludolff Benthem, C. R. und G. S. (Bremen : Saurmann, 1713)
The Scripture doctrine of the most Holy and undivided Trinity, vindicated from the misinterpretations of Dr. Clarke: To which is prefixed a letter to the Reverend Doctor, by Robert Nelson, Esq; / added author(s): James Knight
London : Richard Smith, 1714IA 

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