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« Colin Maclaurin (1698-1746)
Gerardus van Aalst (1752-1816) »
John Maclaurin (1693-1754)
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Primary Sources (14 titles, 19 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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An essay on the prophecies relating to the Messiah : to which are subjoined, an Inquiry into happiness, and three sermons (Edinburgh : W. Gray, 1773)
An essay on the prophecies relating to the Messiah: To which are subjoined, an inquiry into happiness, and three sermons (William Gray; sold at London, by J. Buckland, and E. & C. Dilly, 1773)
Essays on happiness, Christian piety, prejudices against the Gospel, and the Scripture doctrine of grace : to which is added the celebrated sermon on glorying in the cross of Christ (Philadelphia : Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1800)
Glorying in the cross of Christ (New York : Anson D.F. Randolph, 1864)
Glorying in the cross of Christ: A sermon on Galatians vi. 14. By the Rev. John M'Laurin (printed in the year M DCC XCII. Sold by Faulder; Mathews; Deighton; and Dilly, 1792)
Prejudices against the gospel considered and answered, by J. M'Laurin and J. Inglis [the latter extr. from his Vindication of Christian faith] ed. with notes by J. Buchanan (1857)
Sermons and Essays, 2nd ed. (1772)
Sermons and essays: by the late Rev. Mr. John M'Laurin .. (Philadelphia, Published by W. W.Woodward, no. 52, corner of Second and Chestnut streets. W. M'Culloch : printer, 1811)
Sermons and essays: by the late Rev. Mr. John M'Laurin ..., ed. John Gillies
ed. John Gillies (W. W.Woodward, no. 52, corner of Second and Chestnut streets. W. M'Culloch, 1811)GB 
Uaill ann an crann-ceusaidh Chriosd
Edinburgh : Maclachlan & Stewart, 1883IA 
The works of ... John Maclaurin (1818)
The works of the Rev. John MacLaurin (J. Maclaren, 1860)
The works of the Rev. John Maclaurin (Edinburgh : J. Maclaren)
Vol. 1 (1860)
Vol. 2 (1860) IA 
Works of the Rev. John Maclaurin
Glascow : William Collins, 1830IA 
2nd ed. / William Collins, 1830GB 

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