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« Zachary Pearce (1690-1774)
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John Pearson (1613-1686)
TraditionAnglicanReference | DNB1Academic TitleLady Margaret Prof. of Divinity, Cambridge (1661-1673)
Primary Sources (29 titles, 63 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Opera (2) | Theology (61)
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An Abridgement of the Exposition of the creed : written by the Right Reverend Dr. John Pearson, late Lord Bishop of Chester ; more especially design'd for the use of the English readers (London : Bernard Lintot, 1729)
An analysis of the Exposition of the Creed written by the Right Rev. Father in God, John Pearson; compiled, with some additional matter occasionally interspersed, for the use of the students of Bishop's College, Calcutta (Cambridge : Univ. Press, 1884)
Bishop Pearson's five lectures on the Acts of the Apostles: and Annals of st. Paul. Ed. in Engl., with notes, by J.R. Crowfoot, ed. John Rustat Crowfoot (J. Deighton, 1851)
A brief exposition of the Apostles creed, according to bishop Pearson, in a new method
2nd ed. / 1726GB 
Commendatio et defensio septuaginta interpretum versionis (1694)
De providentia & fato;: una cum Fragmentis ejiusdem; et Lilii Gyraldi interpretatione Symbolorum Pythagorae; notisque Merici Casauboni ad Commentarium Hieroclis in Aurea carmina (J. R., 1673)
Expositio symboli apostolici (Schrey, 1691)
An exposition of the Creed
Claredon Press, 1890GB 
An exposition of the creed, ed. William Stephen Dobson (D. Appleton and Co., 1865)
An Exposition of the Creed (R. Priestley, 1824)
An exposition of the Creed (Tegg, 1862)
An Exposition of the Creed (The Clarendon Press)
Vol. 1 (1797)
Vol. 2 (1797) GB 
An exposition of the Creed
The Clarendon Press, 1816GB 
Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press, 1882IA 
London, 1676GB 
London, 1683BSB 
London : J. M. for J. Williams, 1692IA 
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