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Exercitium academicum franequeranum anni MDCCLI, exhibens theses selectas de vera hermeneuticæ ratione: 2 parts () | |
| GB | | |
Vol. 2 (1751) | GB | | |
Oratio inauguralis de ratione certi in theologia constituendi | |
Gulielmus Coulon, 1759 | GB | | |
Vol. 1 (1759) | GB | | |
Theologia Dogmatica Methodo Scientifica Pertracta ...: ... In Sacris Literis De Dei Essentia Et Attribvtis Tradvntvr, Eidemqve Per Eminentiam Ac Improprie Tribvvntvr, Demonstrantvr Fvndamentis Errorvm Vna Svbversis ( 1745) | GB | | |
Theologiæ dogmaticæ methodo scientifica pertractatæ: Pars prior [sectio prior], vol. 1 ( 1747) [Note that the title page indicates "pars prior" concerning the Trinity and the decrees, but this volume is "Pars prior, sectio prior" on the divine essence and attributes] | GB | | |
Theologiæ dogmaticæ methodo scientifica pertractatæ: Partis posterioris, sectio altera: In qua ea, quæ in sacra scriptura de salutis acquisitione traduntur, demonstrantur fundamentis errorum una subversis, vol. 2 ( 1761) | GB | | |
Theologiæ dogmaticæ methodo scientifica pertractatæ: Partis posterioris, sectio prima: In qua ea, quæ in sacra scriptura ad salutem præcognitu necessaria traduntur, demonstrantur fundamentis errorum una subversis, vol. 2 ( 1759) | GB | | |
Theologiæ dogmaticæ methodo scientifica pertractatæ: Partis prioris, sectio altera, vol. 1 ( 1745) [Note that the title page indicates "sectio prior" as concerned with the divine essence and attributes, but the text itself, following the preface begins as "Sectio II" on the Trinity.] | GB | | |