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Jonathan Swift (1667-1745)
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Primary Sources (8 titles, 24 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Le conte du tonneau, contenant tout ce que lse arts, [et] les sciences ont de plus sublime, et de plus mysterieux; avec plusiers autres pièces très-curieuses; (La Haye : Scheurleer)
Vol. 1 (1732)
Vol. 2 (1732) IA 
The history of the four last years of the Queen (Glasgow : R. Urie, 1769)
A letter to the Right Honourable the Lord ********, occasion'd by a pamphlet, just publish'd, entitled, Thoughts on the affairs of Ireland, with an account of the expulsion of A------r J-----s N-----ll, Esq; late surveyor and engineer-general, from the Hon. the H---se of C-mm-ns in that kingdom (London : M. Cooper ..., 1754)
Letters (London : T. Davies)
Vol. 2 (1766)
Vol. 3 (1766) IA 
Letters, written by Jonathan Swift ... and several of his friends. From the year 1703 to 1740. Published from the originals, with notes explanatory and historical (London : A. Pope)
Vol. 1 (1767)
Vol. 2 (1767) IA 
Travels into several remote nations of the world. In four parts (London : B. Motte)
Vol. 1 (1726)
Vol. 2 (1726) IA 
Voyages du capitaine Lemuel Gulliver, en divers pays eloignez .. (La Haye : G. vander Poel)
Vol. 1 (1730)
Vol. 2 (1730) IA 
Vol. 3 (1730) IA 
The works of Dr. Jonathan Swift : accurately revised in twelve volumes, adorned with copper-plates, with some account of the author's life, and notes historical and explanatory (London : C. Bathurst)
Vol. 2 (1766)
Vol. 3 (1766) IA 
Vol. 4 (1766) IA 
Vol. 5 (1766) IA 
Vol. 6 (1766) IA 
Vol. 8 (1766) IA 
Vol. 9 (1766) IA 
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