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Job Orton (1717-1783)
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Primary Sources (23 titles, 54 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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The Christian's triumph over death: A sermon occasioned by the much-lamented death of the Reverend Philip Doddridge, D.D. and minister of the Gospel at Northampton. Who died October 26, 1751. in the fiftieth year of his age (J. Waugh ... Mr. Tozer at Exeter, Mr. Hotham at York, Mr. Trail and Mr. Miller at Edinburgh, and Mr. Barry at Glasgow., 1752)
The Christian's Triumph Over Death. A Sermon Occasioned by the Much-lamented Death of the Reverend Philip Doddridge, ... Who Died October 26, 1751. ... By Job Orton, vol. 6 (J. Waugh, Mr. Tozer at Exeter, Mr. Hotham at York, Mr. Trail and Mr. Miller at Edinburgh, and Mr. Barry at Glasgow, 1752)
Discourses to the aged (1814)
Discourses to the Aged (Joshua Cushing, 1801)
An exposition of the Old Testament : with devotional and practical reflections for the use of families (London : Baldwin, Cradock and Joy)
Vol. 1 (1822)
Vol. 2 (1822) IA 
Vol. 3 (1822) IA 
Vol. 4 (1822) IA 
Vol. 5 (1822) IA 
Vol. 6 (1822) IA 
Letters from the Rev. Mr. Job Orton, and the Rev. Sir James Stonhouse, Bart. M.D. to the Rev. Thomas Stedman
2nd ed. / 1805GB 
2nd ed. / publisher not identified
Vol. 1 (1805) GB 
Letters from the Rev. Sir J. Stonhouse to the Rev. Thomas Stedman, 2d ed, 2nd ed. (Eddowes, 1805)
Letters to a Young Clergyman [T. Stedman, the editor]. (1791)
Letters to a young clergyman, from the late Reverend Mr. Job Orton (Boston : Manning & Loring for James White, 1794)
Letters to dissenting ministers and to students for the ministry, trans. Samuel Palmer, vol. 1 (Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, 1806)
Memoirs of the Life, Character and Writings of Philip Doddridge (1804)
Memoirs of the life, character and writings of Philip Doddridge of Northampton
Salop : Eddowes, 1766BSB 
2nd ed. / Eddowes, 1766GB 
Memoirs of the Life, Character and Writings of the late Rev. Philip Doddridge ... A new edition (1804)
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