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« James Osborn (-1711)
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Francis Osborne (1593-1659)
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The works of Francis Osborn esq: divine, moral, historical, political. In four several tracts. Viz. 1. Advice to a son ... 2. Political reflections on the government of the Turks, &c. 3. Memoires on Q. Elizabeth and K. James. 4. A miscellany of essays, paradoxes, problematical discourses ... (R.D. and are to be sold by A. Bancks, 1673)
The works of Francis Osborn esq: divine, moral, historical, political. In four several tracts. Viz. I. Advice to a son, in two parts. 2. Political reflections on the government of the Turks, &c. 3. Memoires on Q. Elizabeth and K. James. 4. A miscellany of essays, paradoxes, problematical ..., 9th ed. (Printed, and are to be sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster., 1689)

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