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« Alexander Monro (fl.1632-)
Gerardus van Aalst (1752-1816) »
Alexander Monro (1697-1767)
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Primary Sources (8 titles, 9 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Alexander Monro des Aelteren Sämmtliche Werke praktischen und chirurgischen Innhalts: Nebst einer Abhandlung über die vergleichende Zergliederung oder die Anatomie der Thiere : aus dem Englischen übersetzt (Weidmann, 1782)
The Anatomy of the Human Bones and Nerves ... Corrected and enlarged in the fifth edition (1758)
The Anatomy of the Human Bones, Nerves, and Lacteal Sac and Duct, 7th ed. (G. Hamilton, and J. Balfour, 1763)
The Anatomy of the Human Bones: And Nerves: with an Account of the Reciprocal Motions of the Heart, and a Description of the Human Lacteal Sac and Duct. By Alexander Monro, ..., 4th ed. (Messrs. Hamilton and Balfour. Sold, 1746)
Diss. med. inaug. de testibus et de semine in variis animalibus (1755)
An Essay on Comparative Anatomy
John Nourse, 1744GB 
Traité d'anatomie comparée (1786)
Traité d'anatomie comparée par Alexandre Monro... publié par son fils Alexandre Monro... Nouvelle éd... trad. de l'Anglois par M. Sue fils... (1786)

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