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« John Bulkley (1679-1731)
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George Bull (1634-1710)
TraditionAnglican, Arminian-RemonstrantReference Academic Titlen/a
Primary Sources (60 titles, 135 vols.) | Secondary Sources (1)Suggest a New Source
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Opera (31) | Theology (104) | Related (1)
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The archbishop of Cambray's pastoral letter concerning the love of God : together with the opinions of the fathers, on the same subject ; to which is added, a Circular letter, by George Bull ... his visitation sermon, and his charge to his Diocese (London : Charles Rivington, 1715)
Bishop Bull's works on the Trinity
A companion for the candidates of holy orders: Or, the great importance and principal duties of the priestly office. By ... George Bull, ... (Geo. James, for Richard Smith, 1714)
The Corruptions of the Church of Rome ... in answer to the Bishop of Meaux's queries. The third edition, 4th ed. (J. J. Stockdale, 1813)
Defensio fidei Nicaenae
Parker, 1852GB 
Oxonia, 1688BSB 
Defensio fidei Nicaenae = a defence of the Nicene Creed : out of the extant writings of the Catholick doctors, who flourishsed during the three first centuries of the Christian Church (Oxford : J. H. Parker)
Vol. 1 (1851)
Vol. 2 (1851) IA 
Defensio fidei Nicaenae ex scriptis catholicorum doctorum qui intra tria prima ecclesiae christianae saecula floruerunt ...
in typographeo R. [et] I. Monasterii S. Salvatoris, 1784GB 
in typographeo R. & I. Monasterii S. Salvatoris, 1784GB 
Defensio fidei Nicaenae ex scriptis catholicorum doctorum, qui intra tria prima ecclesiae christianae saecula floruerunt (Ticini : R. & I. Monasterii S. Salvatoris)
Vol. 1 (1784)
Vol. 2 (1784) GB 
Defensio fidei Nicaenae ex scriptis Catholicorum doctorum, qui intra tria prima ecclesiae Christianae saecula floruerunt : in qua obiter quoque Constantinopolitana confessio de spiritu sancto antiquorum testimoniis adstruitur
In typographeo R. et I. Monasterii Salvatoris, 1784GB 
In typographeo R. et I. Monasterii Salvatoris, 1786GB 
Defensio Fidei Nicaenae, ex scriptis quae extant Catholicorum Doctorum qui intra tria prima Eccleriae Christianae ... (e Theatro Sheldoniano, 1688)
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