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« Thomas Jackson (-1646)
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Thomas Jackson (bap.1578-1640)
TraditionAnglican, Arminian-RemonstrantReferenceen Academic Titlen/a
Primary Sources (28 titles, 61 vols.)Suggest a New Source
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Opera (23) | Theology (38) | Related (1)
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Christs ansvver vnto Iohns question: or, An introduction to the knowledge of Iesus Christ, and him crucified. Deliuered in certaine sermons in the famous towne of New-castle vpon Tine. By Thomas Iackson, Dr. of Diuinitie, vicar of Saint Nicolas Church there, and fellow of Corpus Christi Colledge in Oxford. (London : G[eorge] P[urslowe] for Iohn Clarke, and are to be sold at his shop vnder Saint Peters Church in Corne-hill, 1625)
Christs Answer Vnto Iohns Qvestion: Or, An Introduction to the Knowledge of Iesus Christ, and Him Crucified. Deliuered in Certaine Sermons in the Famous Towne of New-castle Vpon Tine (London : G.P., 1625)
A Collection of the Works of ... T. Jackson, [edited by B. O., I.e. Barnabas Oley] ... With the Life of the Author by E. V[aughan]. (1657)
A collection of the works of that holy man and profound divine, Thomas Iackson ... containing his comments upon the Apostles Creed, &c. : with the life of the author and an index annexed. (London : R. Norton for Timothy Garthwait ..., 1653)
Diverse sermons with a short treatise befitting these present times, now first published by Thomas Iackson, Dr in Divinity, chaplaine in ordinary to his Majestie, and president of Corpus Christi Colledge in Oxford. ... (Oxford : Leonard Lichfield, 1637)
The Eternal Truth of Scriptures, and Christian Belief Thereon ... Depending ... Delivered in Two Books of Commentaries Upon the Apostles'Creed (1653)
An exact collection of the works of Doctor Jackson ... such as were not published before : Christ exercising hiseverlasting priesthood ... or, a treatise of that knowledge of Christ which consists in the true estimate or experimental valuation of his death, resurrection, and exercise of his everlasting sacerdotal function ... : this estimate cannot rightly be made without a right understanding of the primeval state of Adam ... (London : R. Norton for Timothie Garthwait ..., 1654)
The humiliation of the Sonne of God by his becomming the Son of man, by taking the forme of a servant, and by his sufferings under Pontius Pilat, &c. Or The eighth book of commentaries vpon the Apostles Creed: continued by Thomas Jackson Dr. in Divinitie, chaplaine to his Majestie in ordinarie, and president of Corpus Christi Colledge in Oxford. Divided into foure sections. (London : M. Flesher for John Clark, and are to be sold at his shop under S. Peters Church in Cornhill, 1635)
The Humiliation of the Sonne of God, by His Becomming the Son of Man ... Or, the Eighth Book of Commentaries Upon the Apostles Creed, Etc (M. Flesher for John Clark, 1635)
Iustifying faith, or The faith by which the just do liue. A treatise, containing a description of the nature, properties and conditions of Christian faith. With a discouerie of misperswasions, breeding presumption or hypocrisie, and meanes how faith may be planted in vnbeleeuers. By Thomas Iackson B. of Diuinitie and fellow of Corpus Christi Colledge in Oxford. (At London : Iohn Beale, dwelling in Aldersgate streete, 1615)
Ivstifying Faith: Or, The Faith by which the Just Do Live. A Treatise, Containing a Description of the Nature, Properties, and Conditions of Christian Faith, 2nd ed. (London : John Clarke, 1631)
Justifying Faith, or the faith by which the just do live. A treatise containing a description of the nature ... of Christian Faith, etc, 2nd ed. (London : John Clarke, 1631)
The knowledg of Christ Jesus. Or The seventh book of commentaries vpon the Apostles Creed: containing the first and general principles of Christian theologie: with the more immediate principles concerning the true knowledge of Christ. Divided into foure sections. Continued by Thomas Jackson Dr. in Divinitie, chaplaine to his Majestie in ordinarie, and president of Corpus Christi Colledge in Oxford. (London : M[iles] F[lesher] for John Clarke under S. Peters Church in Cornhill, 1634)
The Knowledg[e] of Christ Jesus: Or The Seventh Book of Commentaries Vpon the Apostles Creed: Containing the First and Generall Principles of Christian Theologie: with the More Immediate Principles Concerning the True Knowledge of Christ (London : M[iles] F[lesher] for Iohn Clarke, 1634)
The Knowledge of Christ Jesus; Or the Seventh Book of Commentaries Upon the Apostles Creed, Etc (M. F[lesher], 1634)
Maran atha: or Dominus veniet. Commentaries upon the articles of the Creed never heretofore printed. Viz. Of Christs session at the right hand of God and exaltation thereby. His being made Lord and Christ: of his coming to judge the quick and the dead. The resurredction of the body; and Life everlasting both in joy and torments. With divers sermons proper attendants upon the precedent tracts, and befitting these present times. By that holy man and profound divine, Thomas Jackson, D.D. President of Corpus Christi Coll. in Oxford. (London : A. Maxey for Timothy Garthwait, at the little north door of S. Pauls, 1657)
Nazareth and Bethlehem, or, Israel's portion in the Sonne of Jesse. And Mankinds comfort from the weaker sexe. Two sermons [on Jeremiah xxxi. 21-2, and on Galat. iv. verse 4-5]. (L. Lichfield and W. Wren, 1617)
Nazareth and Bethlehem, or, Israels portion in the sonne of Iesse. And, mankinds comfort from the weaker sexe. Tvvo sermons preached in St Maryes Church in Oxford. By Thomas Iackson, Bachelour of Divinitie, and fellow of Corpus Christi College in Oxford. (At Oxford : Iohn Lichfield, and william Wrench, 1617)
The third booke of commentaries vpon the Apostles Creede contayning the blasphemous positions of Iesuites and other later Romanists, concerning the authoritie of their Church: manifestly prouing that whosoeuer yeelds such absolute beleefe vnto it as these men exact, doth beleeue it better then Gods word, his Sonne, his prophets, Euangelists, or Apostles, or rather truly beeleeues no part of their writings or any article in this Creede. Continued by Thomas Iackson B. of Diuinitie and fellow of Corpus Christi College in Oxford. (London : William Stansby, and are to be sold by Iohn Budge at the great south doore of Paules, and at Brittaines Bursse, 1614)
A Treatise containing the Originall of Unbeliefe, Misbeliefe or Misperswasions concerning the Veritie, Unitie and Attributes of the Deitie: with Directions for rectifying our beliefe or knowledge in the fore-mentioned points, etc (I. D., 1625)
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