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Erasmus, Desiderius (c.1466-1536)  en de
Opus epistolarum des Erasmi Roterdami (Oxonii : in typographeo Clarendoniano)
Vol. 3 (1906)
Vol. 4 (1906) IA 
Opus epistolarum Des. Erasmi Roterdami : denuo recognitum et auctum (Oxonii : In typographeo Clarendoniano)
Vol. 5 (1906)
Vol. 10 (1906) IA 
The praise of folly (Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1913)
Estye, George (c.1560-1601)  en
Certaine godly and learned expositions vpon diuers parts of Scripture (Oxford : I.R. for R. Banckworth, 1603)
Evelyn, John (1620-1706)
The early life and education of John Evelyn, 1620-1706 (Oxford : The Clarendon press, 1920)
Featley, Daniel (1582-1645)  en
Sacra nemesis, the Levites scourge, or, Mercurius Britan. disciplin'd, [Mercurius] civicvs [disciplin'd] also deverse remarkable disputes and resolvs in the Assembly of Divines related, episcopacy asserted, truth righted, innocency vindicated against detraction. (Oxford : Leonard Lichfield ..., 1644)
Fell, John (1625-1686)  en
[Gr]ammatic[a] rationis; sive, Institutiones logicae (Oxonii : E Theatro Sheldoniano, 1675)
Felton, Henry (1679-1740)
The Christian faith asserted against Deists, Arians, and Socinians : in eight sermons preach'd at the Lady Moyer's lecture in the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, 1728, 1729, and since greatly enlarged : to which is prefix'd, a large preface concerning the light and the law of nature, and the expediency and necessity of revelation (Oxford : Theatre, and are to be sold by C. Rivington, London, 1732)
Field, Richard (1561-1616)  
Of the Church fiue bookes. By Richard Field Doctor of Diuinity and sometimes Deane of Glocester. (At Oxford : ImVVilliam Turner, printer to the famous Vniuersity, 1628)
Of the Church, Five Bookes, 2nd ed. (Oxford : ImWilliam Tvrner, 1628)
Forbes, William (1585-1634)
Considerationes modestae et pacificae controversiarum de justificatione, de purgatorio, de invocatione sanctorum, de christo mediatore, et de eucharistia, 4th ed., ed. George Hay Forbes, Thomas Sydserf (bp. of Galloway)
4th ed. / ed. George Hay Forbes, Thomas Sydserf (bp. of Galloway) (Oxonii : apud J. H. Parker, 1850)GB 
Vol. 1 (1850) [De justificatione] GB 
Vol. 2 (1856) GB 
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