Erasmus, Desiderius (c.1466-1536) en de |
Opus epistolarum des Erasmi Roterdami ( Oxonii : in typographeo Clarendoniano) | |
| IA | | |
Vol. 4 (1906) | IA | | |
Opus epistolarum Des. Erasmi Roterdami : denuo recognitum et auctum ( Oxonii : In typographeo Clarendoniano) | |
| IA | | |
Vol. 10 (1906) | IA | | |
The praise of folly ( Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1913) | IA | | |
Estye, George (c.1560-1601) en |
Certaine godly and learned expositions vpon diuers parts of Scripture ( Oxford : I.R. for R. Banckworth, 1603) | GB | | |
Evelyn, John (1620-1706) |
The early life and education of John Evelyn, 1620-1706 ( Oxford : The Clarendon press, 1920) | IA | | |
Featley, Daniel (1582-1645) en |
Sacra nemesis, the Levites scourge, or, Mercurius Britan. disciplin'd, [Mercurius] civicvs [disciplin'd] also deverse remarkable disputes and resolvs in the Assembly of Divines related, episcopacy asserted, truth righted, innocency vindicated against detraction. ( Oxford : Leonard Lichfield ..., 1644) | EEBO-TCP | | |
Fell, John (1625-1686) en |
[Gr]ammatic[a] rationis; sive, Institutiones logicae ( Oxonii : E Theatro Sheldoniano, 1675) | IA | | |
Felton, Henry (1679-1740) |
The Christian faith asserted against Deists, Arians, and Socinians : in eight sermons preach'd at the Lady Moyer's lecture in the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, 1728, 1729, and since greatly enlarged : to which is prefix'd, a large preface concerning the light and the law of nature, and the expediency and necessity of revelation ( Oxford : Theatre, and are to be sold by C. Rivington, London, 1732) | IA | | |
Field, Richard (1561-1616) |
Of the Church fiue bookes. By Richard Field Doctor of Diuinity and sometimes Deane of Glocester. ( At Oxford : ImVVilliam Turner, printer to the famous Vniuersity, 1628) | EEBO-TCP | | |
Of the Church, Five Bookes, 2nd ed. ( Oxford : ImWilliam Tvrner, 1628) | GB | | |
Forbes, William (1585-1634) |
Considerationes modestae et pacificae controversiarum de justificatione, de purgatorio, de invocatione sanctorum, de christo mediatore, et de eucharistia, 4th ed., ed. George Hay Forbes, Thomas Sydserf (bp. of Galloway) | |
4th ed. / ed. George Hay Forbes, Thomas Sydserf (bp. of Galloway) (Oxonii : apud J. H. Parker, 1850) | GB | | |
Vol. 1 (1850) [De justificatione] | GB | | |
Vol. 2 (1856) | GB | | |